I installed leather on my 2012 Prius 3 but the installer could not figure out how to remove the center console lid in order to install the leather lid cover. Could not find a thread that showed this so I am posting some photos on I removed it. This center console lid cover does not have any screws securing the lid cover. The entire lid assembly comes apart by first removing the lid. The lid is secured by 6 locking tabs. To remove the lid, close the lid, and grasp the front and the back with your finger and pull straight up. If you pull from the front or back first you may break the locking tabs. Here are some photos. Here is another view with the lid upside down. Here is another picture of where the locking tabs connect to on the cover. The side plastic cover can now be taken apart (down arrows). The back plastic cover also connects to the side cover (down arrows). Also note the locking tabs to remove half of the lid cover (up arrows). Half of the lid cover comes apart. It a clever puzzle. It all starts by removing to top lid cover. Hope this gives you an idea on the removal. I hope you don't break the tabs. t break the tabs. PS.. If you live on the California Central Coast, I can recommend John Treichler (Grover Beach CA) who works out of his home. Got 2 tone leather installed for $1600. This included the door trims and center console. Will post photos later.
Its seems like there is a lot of space in there. That gives me an idea. I have a pip and I find the arm rest is too far back and low. I know there have been vehicles made that have an armrest that slides up and forward. I dont remember which cars I have seen that option in but if I could find out maybe I could install the hardware from that car into the armrest of the pip.
Can anyone think of another make/model vehicle that has an armrest that slides up and forward? If we can find one Ill try to piece something together.
I've been wanting to take mine off for a while now to cover it with some leather that I bought on eBay so thanks for the write-up.
I removed the cloth top part of the center console on my 2012 Prius. It was very, very, VERY difficult to pry off. It was not meant to be pulled off. I pulled the back up first about 1/2 inch. I was able to pull the front up about 1/2 inch. Then I used the handle of a large crescent wrench to slide inside and twisted it to pop up the center connections. Don’t worry, if you break it bad you can buy a replacement directly from Toyota for about $80. For example, the part number and description for my Prius is: “Armrest Door - Toyota (58906-47041-G2)”. There is a different part number for the different colors/materials. When I pulled mine off I noticed that the plastic clips were actually damaged. But it goes back together just fine and stays together. I took mine off, cleaned it with dish soap and running water, let it dry, purchased a tiny bottle of contact cement from Lowe’s, painted the back of the cloth and the plastic with contact cement. I put a second coat of contact cement on the cloth. I let the contact cement dry for 15 minutes and then stretched the cloth and pushed the cloth down. It looks like brand new. (When washing it, be careful because the foam pad underneath the fabric can slide around and bunch up.)
I just got a new to me 2015 Prius and the armrest was pretty nasty. Someone along the line tried to paint it with black spray paint and oversprayed everywhere. I got that cleaned up and wanted to see if I could paint it better since I had some plastidip already so it wouldn't cost me anything. Anyway, long story short, thank you all for your tips. I tried to brute force mine off but couldn't get it. I eventually got it off with a trim removal tool, starting at the back, then working around the sides, and finally the front. Even with the tool providing leverage, I had to use enough force that I was worried about breaking the cover.
Oh, and the part number for the Console Armrest Cover in the 2015 Prius Two, should you decide to seek a replacement is: 58906-47050-C2 Leather Black 58906-47050-E1 Leather Bisque 58906-47050-G1 Leather Gray 58906-47042-E0 Cloth Bisque 58906-47042-B2 Cloth Gray 58906-47042-G2 Cloth Light Gray As far as I can tell, other than the covering material, there is no other difference between the part numbers. I can't guarantee it, but I suspect that you could put in a leather option even if you had cloth seats, which is what I was going to do if my repair wasn't satisfactory.
Here's a picture of my painted console cover if anyone was interested. is the product I used, although I got it from Lowes, and I don't recall what I paid for it. I had purchased it for another project and used what was left over for this one.