After some SNAFU at the credit union, I finally took ownership of my first economical vehicle ever, a 2008 Prius Touring. I paid $6,500 after a little haggling with the dealership. It was a cab before I bought it, 308,000 miles, looks great, runs great, and an extremely extensive Carfax report was included. I have always been an SUV guy, but after I was T-boned in my 2008 Jeep Wrangler 4-door by some lady driver that ran a red light, I decided that I should be smart and look for a vehicle that gets better than 15 mpg. The Prius is surprisingly badass so far, a ton of fun to drive! I like the looks I have gotten so far with my fully tattooed arm hanging out the window of a nerdy Prius. Thanks to everyone on this forum for the great info shared that ultimately pushed me in the right direction.
Or -- post a pic of the ride WITH your arm hanging out the window. AND a pic of the odometer. I haven't seen 300,000 on a Prius odometer -- YET! By the way: Welcome!
Is it just me or do other drivers HATE on Prius drivers? I never noticed it until I started driving my Prius, but it seems like I get more dirty looks and tailgaters/swervers than I ever have before. It will definitely take a level of self-control to not drag some over-zealous jerk off out of their vehicle and embarrass them in front of the world! Anyone else experience this? Here are the pics requested.
I've noticed that too since I started driving my Prius but I have that "I don't give a damn 'tude" and just smile as they pass me because I know I'm going to be saving $$$ on my gas bill.
Lol, a Jolly Roger waving on the back of the Prius would be sweet! MPGs would probably go down a bit, but it would be worth it haha!