I check fuse box , it miss one fuse in fr fog fuse. I try fix and check all fuse in fuse box. but I don't know how unplug 12v cable (I see 12v cable red cover ) . please help , offer video or photo better. my prius is 2005 year.
If you are trying to make the fuse box safe to work on, disconnect the battery negative (ground) wire in the back of the car where it is connected to the bodywork.
I assume that you are referring to the main relay/fuse box next to the inverter in the engine compartment, and you want to disconnect the +12V cable which connects to the dedicated positive jump start terminal and is covered by the hinged plastic red cover. If my assumption is correct, then you need to use a 10 mm socket to remove the nut that secures the cable. After the nut is removed, use a pair of long-nose pliers to pull the cable up and away from the stud.
thanks, Your assumption is right,I just think how easy to do, but google told there is 2 other fuse box in driver side, I plan unplug main 12v cable in battery than check all . thanks you both.