I went and got the 2008 Prius I was looking at yesterday, and before everyone gets mad, no I do not have expectations it will actually last 400k miles. My initial reaction is that I am quite Impressed with it. I will say it is absolutely not my style, I'm more of a 50's ford pickup guy, but I bought it for purpose and it suits my purpose very well. It does take a little bit of getting used to. The electric steering seems to be very sensitive and was the hardest thing to get used to. There is virtually no play in the steering wheel at all. The technology that goes into it is wicked kool and looking under the hood is quite overwhelming. Even though I have done the majority of my own maintenance for years I will be looking at a lot of DIY articles before I even attempt something as simple as an oil change on a Prius. My first trip yesterday I ended up getting 47.2mpg on my 300 mile route. The last 75 miles where I drive 80mph really brings the average mpg down. I think it went down nearly 2 mpg in that span. However those parts of my day are unavoidable and I will just have to learn to drive differently the rest of my day to try and bring that up a little. The gas savings per month will equally out to at least my car payment, so I am very happy. I have read the newbie sticy threads and they cleared up my questions but I do have a couple quick ones. How does shifting from reverse to drive while you are still slightly rolling affect this type of transmission? I know you are not supposed to do it and it isn't good for any transmission but that stuff sometimes happens and I want to know if it is at different with the CVT transmission. If you are sitting in a parking lot letting it run for 10 minutes with the air and radio on, is that excessive wear on any of the batteries? Does the engine just turn on whenever it needs to recharge the batteries?
Can only answer the 2nd question. The engine just turns on whenever it needs to recharge the batteries. Bless those little computers.
As you say, not recommended, but you can switch to reverse before the car has come to a full stop without having the transmission fall to the ground. Good Luck with your car! Any DIY article here signed by Pat Wong or Galaxy is gold, the others usually just excellent The Prius is designed for easy self-maintenance for the common things; you will be happily surprised. Try not to cut any orange conduits though, you will not like the results. Do yourself a favor and change the ATF fluid soon, and sort out if the inverter coolant pump should be changed
Congratulations! Posting pics of the car is a good start. Let's see the "Before" pics that will show up in your 100,000-mile, 150,000-mile, 200,000-mile, . . . etc. posts.
I do it everyday and have suffered no ill effects. Standing by to get pummelled by the "transmission police"
I think there's another thread for you to visit for that punishment: Should I change the transmission fluid at 25K/3 years of ownership, or not?