The stock market is down 4% over last five years, the period you use for calculating payback. It is down about the same for this century. Someone continues to refuse to consider others who are different, neither average nor projections of himself, and makes no allowance for different needs and situations. In that world, there are just a few permitted categories, and the allowed variance within each is approximately zero.
If you'd only put the money in 6% bonds five years ago, you could buy a Tesla. Oh my goodness gracious...well you go find that person and just give'em heck. I'm simply noting that vast majority of buyers will not save enough on gas to pay for the additional hybrid costs, something that such varied sources as Consumer Reports and Wall St Journal also note. Anytime a Prius person starts touting their gun collection and how they aren't green just "fiscal conservative" and that's why they got a Prius, you can see the amusing rationalization.
If I'd only gone to work at Microsoft at my first opportunity, I could buy Tesla from Elon. In your other replies, vast majority == all. The Consumer Reports pages I see show cumulative costs for four different time spans. Comparing the Prius IV to the closest equivalent Toyota model, a Matrix (subscription may be required), the Prius has the lower cost of ownership at all four end points: 1, 3, 5, and 8 years.
$18K Corolla vs. $23K Prius III/1 would be the base for both. This is about the same $4K difference between a Camry Hybrid and Camry non-hybrid. As Consumers, WSJ et al advise...figure a 5 year breakeven for average driver. It's good advice. Now if you load the Prius up with all your AK-47's and Ar-15's it will cut into your mileage and make the break even in the 7 year range....but it beats having your buds think you're a goll dang green tree hugger in Prius when you are really a gun tot'in fiscal conservative. And that was the point of the thread. Guns as talisman's against being labeled a lily livered greenie.
That Corolla does not compare to Prius as the Camry compares to the Camry Hybrid. One needs to compare Prius to the midsize wagon version of the Corolla, not the compact sedan version of it. The Matrix is the closest. False, as my links to Consumer Reports above show.
Numbers which always assume you drive some 'national average' number of miles. You can never break even on a Prius parked in your garage. I drive mine.
I find it funny that people actually think you have to be a Sierra Club or Green Peace member to buy a Prius. If I told my wife I wanted to buy a Prius to help prevent "man made global warming" she'd fall on the ground laughing because she knows it would be a bogus ploy of some sort. I think we all have different motives and I am certainly not doubting the liberal/greenie faction or their agenda. If people think paying a "4K premium" will save the planet so be it. I want to save my own cash. I am looking forward to parking in the "Hybrid Only" parking spots at Whole Foods when my wife wants to go get ripped off on overpriced organic veggies. In other news... it is funny watching people going nuts in the car behind you when you are trying to learn gliding.
I'm a greenie but my liver ain't lillied. What's left of it after surgery anyway. Instead of guns I load up with tools. Then I snooze...
You forgot to load in the posts. I think they'll fit too. My dad would see the steel fence post driver and call you lily livered for not using wood posts.
The wooden posts fit but I took them out for Green Drive Expo. I could do 30 8' t-posts NP but only 4 4" wooden posts. They take up a ton of room and my center console didn't like it. LOL
Bird house!? Bird houses!!?? A card carry'in greenie in a Prius if ever I saw one. You need guns boy. Guns I tell ya and LOTS of'em. makes your comparison work but no...Corolla pricing and model would be best vs a specialty car like Matrix and it fits the like to like Camry hybrid/Camry $4K so it tells you that is the real Toyota comparison.
Dude!'re hiding your green behind...ahem..."Assault Rifles"...not even just AR-15 but ASSAULT rifles..."He's a lumberjack and he's OK...." Buying a gas saving, low polluting Prius, paying extra money to do it, is about as green as it gets. It's OK, we won't tell anybody...but you do want to get some "Love or leave it", "NRA For Life" bumper stickers if you are worried about the guys at the gun club.
Go ahead, try that in a Camry or Corolla. The 17 foot ladder is the trickiest, the four 18 gallon totes are easier.
Super Air 210, Your friends will get over it. Hell, some of them may join our ranks if gas prices keep climbing. When I sold my race cars and twin-turbo Z71 for a Prius back in 2005 all of my car club buddies thought I lost my mind. Maybe I did but I'm happier for it and I have saved a lot of money.
The same with the two bicycles I put inside on top of a bunch of camping gear. That would have worked in the old Camry Wagons, and maybe the older Corolla wagons too, but those were discontinued long ago. I've never seen bikes similarly loaded inside the modern sedans. Some others would say that the Corolla Wagon still exists, but it is now called a Matrix, which is what I linked to at Consumer Reports.
Of course...that's it. The Prius is a frt (guns being most common frt) hauler. But wasn't it about saving fuel on the day to day and making money?