On page 272, meaning of icons, it shows 62 gals consumed, plus 2983 Miles driven. In this case this represents 48mpg of combined energy driving. In my case, my numbers are: 4723 miles and 29 gallons used, for: 162.86 mpg. Some of you may no doubt consider this as a strange way of calculating, but for me it is the simplest. Basically, all I am interested in knowing is Total miles and Total gallons consumed. I must ignore the EV portion as I cannot attach a $ value to my charges. Based on this type of calculation....what are your MPGs ?
On that page in the manual the 2983 is only the EVmiles. Also shown is 3282 HV miles. Wouldn't you add those two numbers and divide by the 62 gallons to get 101 overall miles per gallon? Or am I missing something?
I think Anyprius is looking for an HV-only figure for MPG. I.e if you had never plugged in and only driven it in HV mode every time, what kind of MPG would you be getting. The problem I have with that screen is that they truncate the number of gallons used, so it could be 62.1 or 62.9 gallons, but it only shows as 62. Based on the data I entered on the google docs spreadsheet that a lot of us are using, my HV-only MPG varies from 44 MPG up to 50 MPG. Whereas the EV & HV combined is 54 to 62.
So,4723 total miles -1388 EV -1315HV = 2020 missing miles OR was that because of a reset at 2020 miles My original assumption may have been correct, Total gasoline gasoline consumed devided into total miles. If I can assume gasoline consumed is correct, or was that also reset at 2020 miles ? I knew it was to good to be true.
Yes, if you disconnect your 12v battery or if it dies then you lose your data. I disconnected it to clear a code and I lost all of that too. Sucked because I really wanted to have actual lifetime numbers.
yes, you can, as long as the source has enough amperage capacity. or as long as the engine starter doesn't engage
Regarding lifetime data, my daughter's 2011 reset her "trip B" odometer at 10K miles on its own. This was not due to dealer service, etc. So in case Toyota hasn't changed it for 2012, be prepared to make notes when your car approaches each 10K interval.
^^ I also suggest taking notes before the service technician touches the car. The second tech to touch my car was fumble-fingered and reset all the trip meters.
The engine starter doesn't use the 12V battery. In fact, there is no traditional starter in the car. MG1 acts as the starter, plus as a generator.
The 12V battery supports the conventional accessories such as the audio system and lights, along with the control computer. All you need to start the car is enough amperage to boot up the computer, which is why the 12v battery is sized like for a motorcycle.
My HV only trips have never been lower than 52 MPG. That was in 116 degree heat Vegas to Orange County. On trip where I stay below 45MPH, and can take advantage of stealth, I consistently get 65-75 MPG depending on lights. Now this is based on the screen when I power off the car, so may not be that scientific.