lawl. You know I saw heading to article on drudge that CR had a $100k hybrid break down and there aren't many of them of course but I was like "Must be the karma".
Dead Fisker Karmas: One May Be A Fluke, But Is Two A Trend? points out glitches during their test drive and poor exterior fit and finish. I've not seen a production unit up close. I'd be curious to see it's as bad as they say.
Consumer Reports finally posts Fisker review, finds litany of owners suffering from bad Karma 2012 Fisker Karma: Consumer Reports First Drive - YouTube
There is one running around the Sacramento area. An old friend of my Girlfriend bought one and posted it up on his Facebook page last month.
Be sure to look at that the above links to. I still haven't seen one running around in the wild. Only seem them at auto shows or thru the window at their dealer.
Fisker Karma involved in new $55m battery replacement program from A123. Fisker Karma involved in new $55m battery replacement program from A123 *UPDATE
^^ Basically the same news as the above: Fisker to Replace Battery Packs on Nearly All Karma Sedans | Autopia | Fisker plans to replace the battery packs on 640 Karma sedans -- Engadget
Oh c'mon now . . . at a dealership? You can't truly call that, "in the wild" However . . . . I was heading home just a couple days ago . . . . and WHAT should pass me by? Two . . . count 'em . . . two Fiscars. Must have been something going on . . . It was a sight to behold . . . Almost dropped my camera phone .
I finally saw one in the wild (not at a car show or at one of their dealers) yesterday. It was parked at Pebble Beach in a valet parking area, IIRC.
Maybe they should add another option. "Self extinguishers" In the long run, it'd pay for their self. Nothing worse then trying to get the smell of smoke out. .
Owners of burnt Karma to become Fisker investors - Wow. Throwing good money after bad. I bet dollars to donuts that Fisker will go under and those guys will be wiped out on their investments. Fisker Q&A sheds light, lots of light, on Karma problems, lots of Karma problems
Acting emotionally, a terrible decision though it doesn't say how much they invested. That article links to another about Fisker building "the atlantic" whatever that is. Shouldn't they master their first car first? The company is done.
Fisker hired Evercore to seek partners, rules out sale - Yahoo! Finance As electric car experiments fumble, Tesla is last man standing — Cleantech News and Analysis claims Fisker's on life support. I still don't recall seeing any "in the wild" other than one parked in Pebble Beach.
Zombie thread revival time. It was just one year ago this month, that the Chinese uber billionaire not only bought up Fisker Automotive after it's Bankruptcy - he also bought up (via it's bankruptcy) battery manufacturer A123, which was the manufacturer of Fisker's batteries & all their patents. China billionaire eyes US market after snatching up taxpayer-backed Fisker | Fox News He's vowed to burn through as much cash as necessary to get the car back onto the road. But . . . . that was a year ago. Meanwhile - just today - a couple blocks from home I again got a chance to whip out the phone as 'you know what' went sailing by me; Seeing this Karma drive by me today inspired me to find this thread .... see how old it was. It was a temporary registration plate on the back, though I'd never seen one like that before. Just last month, the new company has supposedly offered Karma owners up to $5,000 in repair costs. More signs of life at New Fisker; Karma owners offered repair deal I can't figure where one could have gone to have one worked on during the past couple years. .
Other than this, I FINALLY spotted another one. I saw one in Los Gatos, CA recently w/the vanity plate LGMAYOR or LG MAYOR. A quick Google search turned up Vanity Plates - Page 5 - Fisker Buzz Forums.