Are there any Plus Pkg folks out there that would like to respond with their mpg experience ....?? I know there are many posts about mpg and add-on 17" rims/tires but I was thinking maybe the 17" tires that come with the Plus Pkg might be more like LRR tires. Regards, radman
I am interested not only in the claimed mpg, but also in the cost for a full charge. (kilowatt hours would be more accurate given the varied cost of electricity by provider.) My dealership says it takes about 4-5 hrs. to charge the thing on a 110 volt household plug. Depending on the amount of energy drawn for the meter that could be a heck of an electric bill add on. Also, is it true a full charge only provides 10 miles of electric driving before it kicks into the traditional hybrid style? My dealership says that is the case. If the dealership information is legit the cost/benefit is a negative for me. If I'm going to drive 100% electric and pay the prices they want for the thing then I want to be able to drive 100+ miles before I have to plug it in!
The tires are LRR tires but like other 17" LRR tires on the market you still suffer a mpg hit. There are plenty of arguments on how big the hit is but my experience with 15" OE tires and the aftermarket version of the PPP 17" tires (Primacy MXM4) is a 3+mpg hit. My wheels were also lighter than the PPP wheels with a similar offset.
I typically see 46 mpg on a tank average but keeping in mind I only have put 1.5 tanks in my car since new I don't get to drive her that much as I am always traveling But, I typically see on my ScanGauge mid 50's to low 60's when driving around in town or two lane country roads running 50-60 mph. I like the looks and handling of the Plus Perf Package so I don't worry about the mpg hit. It's still a far cry better than a gasser car that sits at a stop idling away gas. Mike
You are asking about the Plug In Prius (PiP). there is a section dedicated to the PiP which would possibly get your questions answered faster than in this regular Prius section. Toyota Prius Plug-in | PriusChat Mike
Mike, you don't drive enough miles to worry about the mpg hit. That is why the PPP was an excellent choice for you.
Thanks Mike and others for your reply ... I tend to agree with nearly all that to have that agressive look and a bit better road manners that you may need to accept lesser mpg. Sorta makes you wander how they can publish the EPA gas miliage data on a window sticker knowing full well the mpg will be less than expected. I suspect the EPA values are only based on motor / hp for each vehicle model, etc .... When I decide to trade, I believe the Plus Pkg may be in the mix .... not doing the daily 125 miles anymore, it will not be a great issue for me in getting 46 vs 49mpg .... I think the change in tire/wheel size combinations show how close the engineering tolerances are in the design of the Prius ! You guys that get those high 50's, etc, amaze me .... I drive with enough care and doing many of the efficency things like some pulse/glide, now drive on I75 @ 65 , coast a lot on the long Fla exit ramps, etc., higher pressure tires and still have only broken 50mpg once .... :>)) Regards, Radman
I suspect your mpg woes would be based on any combination of these 4 items 1. Length of your trips. Short trips = lower MPG's 2. Prevailing winds. More winds (cross or headwinds) = lower MPG's 3. A/C usage. The lower your cabin temperature setting with A/C on, the lower your MPG's. 4. Tire Pressure. The lower your tire pressure, the lower your MPGs. (I'm assuming you have LRR tires on the car). You don't have too much control over 1 and 2. You can control 3 and 4 a bit more. Lastly, there is always a possibility your alignment isn't what it should be and that could impact MPG's as well.
Thanks Cody .... I suspect #3 is a culprit .... I run 75 degrees Auto all the time .... I don't want or like driving uncomfortable .... did too much of that during the early years when AC was truly a luxury ... :>)) #1, is a possible wash .... almost with every tank we drive to a Costco/Sams and that is usually I-75 highway speeds .... also, local small city type, I use the electric as much as possible ... Pressure has been an interesting issue with my Prius ... I posted a few days ago in that regard. Thanks, Radman