Hi everyone. I have about 05 with 110000 miles on car and have started to notice that the motor sounds like it is reving up when I come to a complete stop or even hyper miling. I have plenty of juice in battery Not Gree and Not Orange. While at a complete stop if I switch from Park/drive/Neutral some times it will then shut off. Any thoughts?? Thanks David.
Usually that should only happen when the traction battery is fully charged (at the full 8 green bars). It cranks over the engine (without fuel injection) just to take some excess charge off the battery. I've never seen it happen with anything less than the full 8 green bars. That sounds very strange.
Check the throttle body is not dirty and that the butterfly returns all the way. Do a search on Throttle body cleaning this will tell you everything you need to know.
Going to stop by the Toyota Dealer on the way home today and see if they have seen it. Will post results. Thanks...