Hi all! After the transmission failed in our 99 Taurus, leaving us stranded 90 miles from home at midnight on the side of the highway in a terrible storm, hubby & I brought home a new (to us) 2008 Prius just last night. We were headed to the dealer to purchase an 09 Honda Fit Sport, but it was sold minutes before we arrived. The salesman had shown my husband the Prius the day before, so we did a test drive & decided to make an offer. Even though I had not had a chance to thoroughly research the Prius, I had heard wonderful reviews and we felt confident to move forward with the purchase. After our nightmare experience with the Taurus, my husband even opted for the extra bumper-bumper warranty for extra peace of mind. Now I'm reading terrible stories of people being nearly killed in accidents due to the Traction Control System cutting power to the wheels and leaving them stranded in an intersection or busy highway, brake issues and more. Peace of mind has gone out of the window and I'm wondering if we should return it to the dealer for something safer! I've read that we need to practice driving in safe conditions to learn how it will handle (and other tips on this thread), but I want to know...has it been an issue for you? We live in NW Arkansas, where we have all types of weather (substantial rain, ice & snow). Are these issues really widespread, or rare? What has been your experience? Thanks for your honest advice! We so badly want to love this car, it's our first major car purchase!
I wish I knew what state you are in, as it would color my advice. Here in Mississippi, it rarely is 'winter' by Minnesota standards, and there are no 'hills', just less flat roads. I have never had the slightest concern about the traction control, brakes. or my safety. If I lived on a dirt road on Pike's Peak Colorado, I might have more concerns about Traction control, I bet I would drive on snow tires year round. Brakes will require more thought if you make long steep descents, as is true for any vehicle. Choose tires wisely, drive sensibly, and your Prius will treat you well. Tell us where you live, at least a country or a state, and folks from there will share their techniques.
Never heard of someone getting into an accident because of the traction control system cutting power and I had one of the worst years for this. Just keep good tires on the car and use winter tires when appropriate (like you should for any car).
Welcome! If you like technology and new, well-engineered gadgets, you will love Prius. Besides people telling horror stories over internet, there was NO evidence found by authorities that would point to any electronics failure on Prius that can cause unintended acceleration. Only driver's error, and inability to read the car's manual. Otherwise its just a car that can break as any other car, but is less likely to do so. Enjoy! - Alex
My first Prius was 2008 second is. A 2010. Neither have given any of the issues you describe. I live in upstate ny outside of Syracuse which usually has the greatest accumulation of snow in the state. While it can't plow the roads it does very well on ice and compacted snow. Use B for extra traction especially when going downhill. My best advice is to drive with good old fashioned "driver education training." learn about the features of the car so you don't mistaken how a feature will or won't work. I bought the 2010 after there was a major claim against Toyota. I have never had ANY ISSUES withmy vehicle. A safety purchase would be Toyota Care if it is available for purchase. Personally I leave all of the maintenance issues to the dealership service team. There are so many modern electrical cables etc that just scare me.... So I handle it by calling when I have questions, bring it in to ask if a feature is working correctly. My local service department is exceptional! Of course also use this forum. It has been a huge resource to me as well.
Where did you read that stuff? I have not read anything like that. We live on the other side of the Ozarks from you in Southeast Missouri. I have no worries about our winters, which are the same as your's, just a few hours later. Enjoy your new car and don't let folks scare you like that. Dan
I have driven my 05 Prius during the last two SE Michigan winters. The only gripe I have with it is the traction control system is really touchy and won't let me spin the wheels to get going every so often. If the traction control system detects a slip, the wheels just won't rotate. This has been a source of frustration mainly when driving on roads with at least a couple inches of snow or at intersections that were poorly plowed. Winter tires would probably alleviate this issue - all season tires are unfortunately just three season. I'm too thrifty (cheap) to have another set of wheels and winter tires for this car. But the traction control did prevent me from losing it on a very icy exit ramp one day. The ramp was covered in what we call here in Michigan "black ice" which means you cannot see it until you are on it. The traction control system somehow prevented me from doing reverse donuts after the rear end fishtailed on the ramp. I still don't know how it straightened the car but the fishtailing stopped and I was moving forward again. It was pretty scary even though I was only going about 30 mph but that's still fast enough to get you into serious trouble on a steep ramp. So, overall, despite the minor inconvenience of sometimes not being able to spin the tires to get moving from a standing stop on a snowy road, the Prius with traction control is sure footed and capable of handling NW Arkansas weather.
I live in Colorado and right on the foothills, and have a dirt drive. Pikes Peak is a easy climb because it is graded nicely the whole way up. I live on Cheyenne Mountain (where NORAD is) is the roads are considerably steeper. The Prius makes it up and down just fine all times of the year, yes even in sow and ice. If your Prius spins out of control or something happens, it is a PEBKAC (well steering wheel instead of keyboard, but same idea) problem not a Prius problem.
2010 and later did improve the traction control a bit. I'm in Wichita. We've had no problems. We sometimes take another car in the worst weather (AWD) but the Prius would make it. I don't like driving it in deep snow due to modest clearance and the plastic aero panels underneath (at least on 2010 & later). The concern is valid, but it can be mitigated by snow tires and by caution in your driving. I'd try a winter without snows first. Those with steep uphill driveways and regular ice & snow are most likely to find the 2004-2009 traction control frustrating.
Wow, thank you all for your quick response! I got all worked up after reading these threads: 65 Complaints and Reviews about Toyota Prius Traction 2008 Toyota Prius Traction Control System (TCS) Complaints Scary stuff when my husband purchased it specifically to keep me safe on the road! Winters here aren't usually treacherous, maybe a few days of light snow here & there with the occasional ice storm, so winter tires may not be necessary. Is it recommended to put a better set of tires on it anyway? Thanks again for honest responses - happy to have found this forum!
If your car is equipped with Goodyear Integrity tires then I would suggest getting a better set of tires if safety is your primary concern. They are terrible in wet conditions. Independent testing showed they require an extra 30+ feet to stop in wet conditions compared to several other quality LRR tires like the Energy Saver A/S, Ecopia EP422, ProContact with EcoPlus, Defender, etc..
Looks like everyone covered your traction concerns... As for the salesman telling you the Honda Fit was sold minutes before you got there, that's almost always BS. I wish they had laws against this classic bait and switch routine. The dealer will put their best used car on their website and in newspaper ads at a price that's two good to be true. Then when you show up they say someone is inside buying it and you were a few minutes late. Then they try to sell you the worst car on the lot and gradually move up to a better car if you don't want the one they show you. This happened to me and for weeks after I drove by looking at the most perfect car for the lowest price ever seen that was still "just now being sold." This was Roseville Toyota by the way... I'd never do business with these sleezeballs, I suggest everyone who reads this does the same!
They're the sleziest of the sleziest... You ask for it, you got it: Toyota of Roseville... Makes me wonder if anyone has ever had a car maker yank their dealership license. If it's possible Roseville of Toyota should be shut down!!!
Congrats on your new Prius, and welcome to Prius Chat. The thread you refer to is a bit scary to the first timers, but it can be easily managed. It's a lot of info on very new stuff but you'll understand more as you read more of the posts on the site. There is a lot of good info on a well sorted out brand and model. Read the site. Read your manuals. Ask questions. And get used to your new ride. As for weather, keep good tires or snow tires in the winter. If you have traction you will go forward. Ice sucks for everyone. Happy motoring!