They don't change the oil till 10,000, but they may rotate your tires, btw, when they change your oil they're going to rip the plastic underbody oil door off, so it's relative, nothing's free
If you've had them change your oil check the cover, if it's still there and working correctly count yourself lucky, it's a poorly designed notion, suprised it's not a screen door.
I changed the oil in my "v" at 3238 miles. The NEW 2012 oil change door has a "curved" wider radius "bending area" on it, NOT the sharp bend of the one that it replaced. The breaking off at the hinge problem has been fixed.
My purchase included Toyota care which covered all service. Read your paperwork!!! I think my promo was 30,000 mi or 2 yrs free,
I got my 5k service (called 'required' in Toyota paperwork) done a couple days ago. I had 5620 miles on the mutha'. They checked the fluids, made sure floormat on drivers side is secure, rotated tires, some other mulit-point inspection mumbo-jumbo, & washed the car. Ez - skweezy. Gratis. There will be no charge for your 5ooo mile service on your new car.
I just saw an ad that says all new toyotas come with Toyota care which covers 2 yrs of service and roadside assistance. The service manual details what is covered. They've never washd my car.....I'll have to put a bug in the dealerships ear to keep up with the competition (so what I'm on the east cost and you're on the west coast! Lol