One needs something like kill=o-watt-meter to measure the amount of electricity that is recharging the battery to determine the miles per kilowatt hour energy efficiency for pure EV mode trips. My readings suggest that getting between 3 to 4 miles per kilowatt hour is about what you get when driving a Volt or a Leaf normally. Getting over 7 miles per kilowatt hour is what a hypermiler might get.
Plus, I got the free trial "Snapshot" by Progressive ins. in my ODBII slot. I doubt if Progressive wiil be able to beat AAA even with the "30% discount"
Not very efficient for me tho, landlord charges me $15.00 a month. so........93kwh total (3kwh x 31) 12 miles EV times 31=372 miles for fifteen bucks. Course I don't charge fully every day and I don't charge every day.
Last Wednesday I was on a roadtrip and for the next to last segment of the 3 day trip my trip average went from 57.3 to 63.3 over 58 miles. guessing i probably averaged around 300-500 mpg. got a few decent pictures on the way... here is one taken from the car window while waiting on road construction pilot car for a landslide detour. i will admit, there was a bit of a "downhill" stretch
That would be 16 cents/kilowatt hour ( 15.00 usd/93 kwh of input current) if you charge every day. Given that the battery recharging process is about 80% efficiency then that 93 kwh charging current is effectively reduced to 74 kwh of battery time. If the Prius is getting about 4 miles per kwh then the Prius all electric distance is 296 miles for your $15 cost. If gasoline cost 3.70 per gallon then you've travelled 296 miles over the equivalent 4.05 gallons of gas - making that an equivalent of 73.1 e-mpg .... I agree - at $15/month it is probably not worth it at this point.
in relatively flat driving, i can easily average 5 miles per Kwh in Summer. on the LEAF, the A/C makes nearly no difference in performance (heater in winter is a MUCH different story causing up to a mile/kwh performance hit in mildly cold temps)
I do - I do ! ! ! No reset on "B " yet - at over 18, 000 + miles and - 119 miles non stop to San Diego county and back to Orange County : . . . . . what . . . . ;-) .
Well as you can see from my prior post - not understanding something never stopped me from commenting . . . . . Just ask my better half. SGH-I717R ? 2
From the PIP dashboard: EV driving ratio, EV 806 miles, HV 586 miles, 201KWH, so......806/201= 4.0099 miles per kwh