The dreaded P0A80 code reared it's nasty head today. I purchased my 06 new in Mckinney, TX Aug 14th, 2006 and it has been trouble free for the last 6 years of commuting. I was over my 6y/100k warranty by 2.4k miles of course. My gas mileage has been worse than normal over the last week 43 vs 48 typical. Then I noticed the battery gauge was erratic yesterday, but the car was driving normal. The gauge would show regen recharging while braking and go from two bars to full in about 100 yards. I left work to go get some lunch and I didn't even get out of the parking lot before the warning lights trigger for the first time. I went to Autozone to have them scan the codes and they confirmed my gut feeling. I limped to the dealer and the service guy winced as I told him the code. He knew the P0A80 by heart somehow without looking it up. Surprisingly they had the battery in-stock and unsurprisingly quoted $3100 for repair. I asked if they would do some good faith warranty extension, so the guy went to ask the service director. He said they would split it with me which is good for my wallet, but still a kick in my hybrid confidence. I was hoping for the 200k+ battery everyone else seems to have. The service guy said they had quite a few failures recently and they seem to be more age related than high mileage related. I just wish it would have went bad 2500 miles ago. They gave me a loaded Prius V for a loaner and it is much quieter than my 06, but I am pretty sure this is my last Prius.
You can replace the dead cells, if you are handy. I got 216k on my 05. I see the HV battery go below 40 SOC a handful of times, especially with the heat. A good way to help the battery is to keep the cabin cool. I don't hesitate turning on my AC, and it seems to help the battery's state of charge.
I think part of the problem is your hot climate. Do you also have any significant hills in your commute?
If I had time and an extra car, I would have definitely fixed it myself. I have worked on electronics my whole career, but I am going out of town Sunday and my schedule doesn't permit any fiddling. My Prius A/C stays set on 70-72 year round due to my ability to sweat like it is a sanctioned sport. Maybe the Texas heat accelerated the battery's demise or something. It spends a lot of time in the airport covered parking when I am traveling. It did feel very sluggish while accelerating up the exit ramp, when I picked it up last Friday night at DFW.
Mckinney is pretty free of significant hills except for the man-made ramps and flyovers. I took the split without argument. I figured the offer could only get worse if I pushed them, because they did not even offer the split until I asked for a good faith warranty extension. They did offer to sell me a throttle body cleaning and serpentine belt replacement for an additional $400+. I did agree to the belt replacement for $130, because the new belt I have been driving around with for the last 10k or so hasn't installed itself yet. I had ambitions of swapping the serpentine belt myself, but it is difficult due to my incessant and un-scheduled plane rides.
The heat, combined with excessive electrical draw (AC all the time), age, and letting it sit are all contributing factors. $1550 over 102,400 miles is about $0.015 per mile or 1.5cents per mile. At 48mpg over the same distance that is 2133 gallons of gas. At $3 gallon that's $6400 total. At 35mpg that's 2925gallons and $8777 in petrol. So using extremely generous estimates with an alternative car at 35mpg and a rather low value you are reporting for your Prius of 48mpg you saved $2377 in gas alone. That covers the battery. And now you have an essentially new car again. All the maintenance you have saved and reliability in general is worth more than that. Even with a rare catastrophic failure like you had, the Prius wins out.
This is a highly optimistic view. An alternative view is that at >100K miles, the front struts/rear shocks need to be replaced if this was not already done. The inverter and transaxle could fail, either of which will result in a significant four-digit repair if the OP continues to rely upon new parts installed by a Toyota dealer. Or any number of minor issues could occur - HID headlight axle sensor, MFD could die due to a bad solder joint, etc etc. However those minor issues will still result in a high three-digit to four-digit cost.
It has been pretty reliable. The only other ongoing issue is occasionally the cruise control quits working until you restart the car. One morning about two months ago, the car was acting very strangely and would decelerate quickly and not glide when you let off the throttle. I pulled over and restarted the car and it never did it again. No codes or check engine lights ever showed up. I just picked up the car and left $1683 at the dealer. They swapped the battery and serpentine belt in under 3 hours. All of the trip odometers and radio presets are gone, so something must have reset the OBC. Strangely enough my original 12V battery is still going strong after almost 6 years, but the traction battery did not make it. The car is much snappier on throttle response now, so my traction battery must have been on the way out for quite a while. I guess I didn't notice the gradual sluggishness the car exhibited over time. When I bought the car I got 55MPG regularly in the summer, but then the 10% ethanol was introduced and my mileage has been about 48 in the summer since then.
In the first case, are you using B mode? If so, you cannot use cruise control in B mode. As for your 12 volt, have you tested its voltage after it's sat overnight? It may not be going strong. You will NEVER have a symptom of slow cranking or unable to crank on the Prius since the 12 volt doesn't start the ICE.
I have never used the B-mode. On the day the weird deceleration thing was going on, I actually put the car in park and back into drive at a couple of lights. I will check the battery with my Fluke tomorrow.
Loaded V for a loaner, and you're getting OEM replacement for $1550? Is that your total out-of-pocket? You cannot beat that. Re-InVolt would charge more for refurb'd.
I'm curious what color your car is? Tech I talked to for a short time mentioned that, on the few cars he has seen battery replacement done, they've all been dark colors.
I am aggravated that I just forked over that much cash for a battery 2400 miles out of the 6/100 non-CARB warranty that I was expecting to get me 200k+ life, but I am not complaining about not having to pay the original $3100+ the service guy quoted. It really feels like the old "as soon as the warranty is out it will break down" story we have all heard over the years. The service guy did not even offer the "good will" warranty extension. I had to ask him about it and then he went and asked the service director. I guess he didn't think my car being narrowly within the 6 year window and 2.4k out of the mileage warranty put me in the goodwill window. I did buy my Prius at the dealership and a RAV4. When he came back from talking with the service manager, he said he was surprised the director approved half and that was only because I bought the car there.
I see. Thanks. As a precaution, when my Prius is going to be parked outside for awhile when it's hot out, I prefer to park it in covered parking, a shaded area or one where it will get sunlight for fewer hours of the day (i.e. something will block it for a certain of hours, such as a building). The HV battery warranty is 8 years/100K miles in non-CARB states, not 6 years.