I installed an Escort 8500ci a few months ago... thought I would share. This product was formerly known as "Qi45". Images of the Receiver .... and the console... (mounted above my PriusChat foglight switch)
I hid the remote head my Bel system has between the cup holders! Loud, well hidden, rarely ever noticed!
Valentine One installed on a Blend Mount: Not as visually elegant as the OP's stealth system, but it has some advantages to include 360 degree radar and laser coverage along with directionality information. Mirror mounted main unit does not light up at all - all threats are displayed on the remote unit you see mounted just above the steering column. A couple of extra features make the system more user friendly: Savvy mutes the volume after initial warning below a user selectable speed. I use 35mph Saves sanity in parking lots Power draws from the OBD port, simplifying that piece of the puzzle BOB is designed specifically to address the problem of Hybrid sytem voltage drop as the power source shifts between battery and ICE. I doubt that the Gen III has an issue with this, but it only cost a little extra, and I figure it was worth it to avoid repeating start-up noise distraction. I cobbled together an installation wiring diagram from Valentine's various manuals: I concede that the main unit is more visible, but figure that any police officer that notices it would be laughing to0 hard at the very idea of a radar detector in a Prius to be able to write a ticket legibly.
Ultraturtle... what mirror mount are you using there? Is it specific to the Valentine? (I am asking in regards to another car in the family).
Check out this URL... Blendmount makes a variety of mounts, all well built!! BlendMount Custom Radar Detector Mounts Escort Beltronics Valentine One
It is a Blend Mount specificic to the Valentine, but the company makes them for pretty much any combination of popular gadgets to mount, and cars to mount them to. Check out KK6PD's link above.
Did you ever have an issue with the savvy unit? Their website lists possible incompatibility with hybrids if the unit you bought was pre October 2015