Newbie prius owner. I was concerned with visability in the rear view window when test driving the car, and was pleasantly suprised that the visability was good even though the V is a bigger car than I am used to. However, I am day 3 with the car and I noticed today I can not see the right half of my windshield... it is obstructed by the rearview mirror so cars on a side street to my right there is an obstructed view. I like to drive relatively close to the steering wheel, and I think perhaps with the angle of the windshield this is the problem. It never was an issue with my old volvo s40. I lowered the seat as low as it can go hoping it would help. Is the only remedy to push the seat further back from the steering wheel? Annoying... right now I have to lean to right of the rear view mirror to see on that side!
I won't comment on your visability problem (not a problem for me), but on your seating position . Before air bags, sitting close to the wheel was acceptable (although modern race car drivers sit further back in order to improve their steering ability/skill). With air bags, sitting close to the wheel is dangerous. One is more likely to be injured by an air bag deployment the closer one sits to the steering wheel. I suggest you try sitting as far from the wheel as possible (but not by lowering your seat) without degrading you steering ability. Believe me, after a few hours behind the wheel you will wonder why you haven't been doing it since day one. You nay well be a safer driver, and your visability problem might be solved as well.
This is genius and I did not know the Prius had this feature. I will try it first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the assist!