Not a big deal to most of you but I just completed a 500.4 mile tank of fuel. At that point the last segment of the fuel gauge was blinking so I filled up right away to see how much remained in the tank. The miles to empty was showing only 23 miles to go. But look at these numbers. Here is the computed mileage: CONS was reading 56.4 mpg at fillup 500.4 miles 9.353 gals used 53.5 mpg 11.9 gals capacity 9.353 to fill it 2.5 gals left So really at 53.5 mpg x 2,5 theoretically I could have driven another 133.75 miles to fully empty the tank. Or if you want to add the 133.75 to the 500.4 it's a tank that 'could' have run 634.15 miles. How the 'miles to empty' is figured I don't know but going by the above numbers it's way off. Apparently you should be able to run it to "0" and keep on going! Thanks!
Congrats! As we've mentioned before, the miles till empty (DTE) is set up with a safety margin built in. If they designed it to estimate when fuel will run out exactly there would be a lot more people stranded on the side of the road!
My first 500 mile tank was back on 5/9/2012! While I had been trying for the best DTE, the derecho a month ago made me rethink that. I prefer to have extra gas in the tank to get away if needed, or to keep cool for days on end. Bragging rights for me are about the best mpg's on a tank, and my overall average mpg.
Finally! A club that will have me as a member! Last 2 fuel ups were over 805km/500 miles # Date km Litres L/100km Price City %Notes16 25/07/12 836.1 39.66 4.7 1.379 10% 15 21/07/12 815.0 38.02 4.7 1.439 10% Or in mpg(US) # Date Miles Gal. MPG Price City %Notes16 25/07/12 519.5 10.48 49.6 5.220 10% 15 21/07/12 506.4 10.04 50.4 5.447 10% The run on 25 July was from Canberra to Newcastle return in a bit of a hurry and a full compliment of passengers, so little hypermiling and lots of steep hills. I drove 35km (22 miles) after DTE 0km and still had 5 litres (1.3 gal(US) 1.1gal(UK)) left in the tank. At #15 I started using 91 RON (87 AKI) instead of 95 RON (91 AKI) and seem to be getting better economy, certainly cheaper! BTW I refuse to convert the dates.
Hi Braddles, Thanks for all the info! Being in Oz you have plenty of ground to cover that's for sure. Wonder how far you are from Tenterfield? I was/am a Peter Allen fan... "down on the ground emu up ahead!" Cheers!
From Canberra ACT and Tenterfield NSW is 940km or about 585 miles (400 miles from Sydney). It's virtually a South to North drive the length of NSW, but there's not much flat road. For comparison, mainland Australia is a little smaller than mainland USA. But then we have farms that are bigger than some of your states! I driven from Canberra to Brisbane a few times, which is about 1200km and at least 12 hours of driving with a co-pilot. I once drove back starting in 42°c Queensland heat and by the time I got to Canberra later that day it was 10°c. Those trips were in a big and comfy Citroën C5 wagon that I could reach 800km on a 66l tank at freeway speeds. The suspension squatted down over 110km/h for aerodynamics and handling and remained down until it dropped to 90km/h or the road got too bumpy. At 195cm (6'5") I'm not quite as comfortable in the Prius over distances like that.
Happy to announce my 1st 500 too. Not much of a hyper miler since on the Long Island Expressway most if the time.... Galaxy Nexus ? 2
I think what you are misunderstanding is that the 500 mile mark at least for me, was reached just as the last segment of the gauge started to flash.At that point there as 2.5 gals left. If you read my original post you'll see that I could conceivably gone 634 miles to complete empty. That is clearly beyond the EPA rating. I think that markjc is indicating the same thing without the details I provided. Anyway screw the EPA's ratings, I beat them every tankful without even trying.
Rush hour stop and go, 0 to 65 every stop, 500 miles is great. I celebrate, even if you don't. Sort of like when my non hybrid gets 20 mpg. I celebrate. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
I put the smiley there !!! don't get cranky ... your Big topic/header made me write that. For me EVERY average tank is over 500 I was pretty close to 600 but wife in the car and blinking 20+ miles prevented me to reach 600 it was 588 when I HAD stop and fill the car up or else !!!! and LESS 10 gal (US) went in ...
I will make this club tomorrow. Yeah! My 55th fill-up but I will have made it. I know with the 5 that I am at a disadvantage and I don't like to run really low on fuel so this is big for me. The only reason that I made it this time was there is a new construction zone on my commute and the speed limit is 45 vs the normal 55. I am showing 53.8 mpg so I will get about 51 actual mpg. There is no way I could make the 700 mile club! This was about as much as I could baby it and not go crazy.
Good judgment, do not try the 700 But what is the milage so far and how many blip you have ... but with 53.8 close to 500 you should be easily make it ... the only thing to watch out if something major changes very bad weather or some major traffic jam ...
I broke the 500 mile barrier on the first tank! The first 200 of those miles were 90 MPH on the highway bringing the car home, and then I didn't start actually "trying" until about the last 150 miles, so I know I'll easily break 500 each tank, but I'm shooting for the "600 club" on this tank. So far, I'm averaging 61.8 MPG for the first 48 miles on my second tank.
EEEHa! Only here can folks know how good it is to break the 500 mile on a tank barrier. Data: 5/27/13 Trip A = 522.0 refule= 9.65 MPG=54.1 $ per /gallon=3.429 city/ highway 10% ***Notes: Trip to Tampa. Flashing @ 22 remaining. Fill up at 7 remaining. No icon warning light. Weather 80-90 deg F. No rain, no wind, sunny. A/C set at 73 auto. Wife, 3 small dogs, cooler, 3 bags of luggage. Traffic was moderate, no traffice jams.
I threw down a 528 mile tank today. Pleased with that especially because I'm used to burning a tank and a half in my truck to get that kind of mileage and the tank was twice as big.
I hit 500.4 on my 5th tank this morning. Only took 9.4 gallons so I too had room. I'm fine with not running out of gas.
congrats ... just to note ... THERE IS NO ICON WARNING !!!! your only warning is the beep and the blinking last bip !!! do not wait for traditional "warning" light/icon