Because I'm blind and didn't notice we were not on this list and doing editing on a iPad is for the birds. LOL
I don't have a picture but way back in Sep 2010, I reached 600.1 miles. This was 300 miles motorway driving on half a tank, taking it easy and drafting where possible. My regular commute made up the rest of the miles. The last fuel pip started to flash around 540 miles but I know that I have a good 50 to 75 miles left when that happens, so I thought I would go for the 600 miles before a refill. Documented on fuelly. Gen3 T3 (Toyota Prius) | Fuelly Fill up number 38. 38 18/09/10 600.1 40.16 67.9 (UK figures) 38 18/09/10 600.1 10.61 56.6 (US figures) edit: Wheel and tyre info 15 inch wheels, Stock Bridgestone tyres, 40psi front, 38 psi rear.
Hi Justin. You can add me to your 600 mile club Answers to above questions: P&G whenever possible, anticipate hills and try to glide or keep iMG anywhere from 60-75 mpg up hill and accelerate on the downhill, anticipate changing of street lights to glide slowly or use slow gradual braking in between the street lights. Arizona summers are extremely hot so I use AC constantly. 75 degrees at low fan setting 1-2 bars. Blinking warning light came on around the 520 mile mark. MTE at 561.3, driving 38.9 miles after MTE at 0. 15 inch wheels, tires at 42/40 last I checked which was a few weeks ago. Dash reading as you can see 61.2 mpg, manually calculated 57.8 mpg using 10.38 gallons of fuel, dash off by 5.5%
Don't add me to the list, but I could have taken a picture of 600+ miles this weekend. I was on a trip and got gas around the 500 mile mark, only put in $10 because I was out of state and I wanted to fill up at the cheaper price in my state. The gague didn't register the added gas. I had two pips when I turned the car off, I added a few gallons, turned the car on and I had 1 pip. So I drove the next 70 or so miles staring at one pip that wouldn't go away or start flashing. I finally stopped for gas again just across the state line and got another $10 because I wanted to get back on the road and fill up some other time. So I had 1 pip showing, put a few gallons in and turn the car on and it went up to 6 pips. I didn't pay attention to the miles on the tank when I finally did do a proper fillup but It wasn't a single tanks worth and my MPG wasn't terribly impressive (something like 55) as I did a lot of higher speed long range driving that I don't normally do.
ha I look at my fuelly logs and 2 times I filled at 587.x must have been back home at that point from a weekend trip and wanted to get fuel before the week to save time. I am at a hair over 300 right now on this tank and am showing 69 mpg on the display. I am going to Tennessee on saturday morning so don't know if I will just ride this tank out for the next 300 miles just to get it or fill up before. my wife and parents will be with me so I don't know that pushing it to 6-700 would be fun in there mind lol
At your current rate, you'd be able to get a 700 mile tank without too much difficulty. 600 mile tank would be very easy. In fact, the last PIP would likely start flashing around 600 miles at your current rate. (My last tank was reading 68 mpg and the last PIP flashed at 587 miles).
Yes!! You can officially add me to the 600 mile club. I was trying to get to 600 than 700 in 1 shot on this tank but chickened out as I didn't figure to make it at the indicated avg. mpg I was at 63.8(calculated 61.6). It would have been close as I refilled w/ 10.393 gallons. I achieved my best mileage to date by p & g at most opportunity I had. Weather has been ideal-very warm-averaging 80 degrees. Hardly no use of a/c & I'm on stock setup. Last fuelly bar started to blink at 575 miles so was a little scary at first driving way beyond the 0 mark but I just trusted that the fuel was there. View attachment 40640
80 degrees is very warm?!? It's been hitting 105 here (not to mention our below zero temps during the winter).
It's all relative my man. To tell u the truth, there's parts not too far away that hit 100 this week as L.A. county & it's region could have over 20 degrees difference. Obviously, I live towards the cooler region(not at the beach but close enough to get the coastal air).
* Trying to hypermile, but a lot of these miles are my sweetie, so I don't know what she did. She drives 40 miles on two lane highways. I drive short trips. * July * 50 miles or so with blinking pip. * 15 wheels.
Congrats, bru! See what you can accomplish when wearing the stock shoes? Now when you get bored of all this work you can slap the bling back on.
I'm jealous of hearing everyone saying they don't use AC posting great MPG numbers. I'm pretty much forced to use AC at all times. Hopefully come late October / November when it cools down I can make your 700 club.
Just stay comfortable until then and know you may be extending the life of your HV battery. You can join the club in another month or two.
Ok, I forgot to take a picture but I am already a member of the 600 Mile Club. I did 619 miles on my last tank and put in 10.55 gallons for a calculated 58.7 MPG (60.8 on the display). One thing I did notice is that since I have been using the EV and ECO modes when I take off from a standing/rolling start, that the percentage error was only 3.5%. I don't know if this is a fluke, but I will try and repeat on my next tank. I did a quick calculation. If I got the same mileage for the rest of that tank I would have reached 700 miles if I had used 11.929 gallons of gas. Which means I would have run out of gas by .029 gallons before getting to 700 miles. Obviously that's saying that it was filled to exactly 11.9 gallons. Who knows if one click tops you off at that exact amount. I usually round up to the next dollar when filling. It isn't the most accurate method for each tank, but over the long haul it all evens out. One thing I do notice is that when I fill up, my cruising range has been steadily going up. It used to be about 580 miles after a fill up, today it was 619 miles. I may have to do an early fill-up next week since my wife is using the car tomorrow to go up to CT. The last time she used it she only got 46.6 on the display (30 miles), which was part of my last tank. This trip will be a lot longer, so I don't want her tainting my next tank's stats. One thing I try to do cruising on the highway is to always re-step on the gas pedal. It seems that if you are cruising along at a certain speed, if you re-step on the gas pedal and go back to that same exact spot on the display (same MPH), your instantaneous MPGs will increase. Just an observation!
You should make a new thread about this and see if others have experienced the same and what the reasoning would be.