Love the car..... really wish it would honk or chirp when I lock the doors. Anyone out there have a clue how to make this happen? All that happens now are the lights flash.... Phil
I thought this was odd with the Prius C II, but I'm used to it now. And I must say I hate it when people push the lock button a hundred times, honking the horn excessively
I found a guy on the Vibe net that built a little kit to make the Vibe horn honk. Really easy to install and was cheap. Might work on the Prius. Maybe someone here will come up with one. I like it chirping when I lock it. The wife hates it. If the C starts chirping I could be in trouble. Dan
That is the only thing I don't like about my c2. I really want the car to beep when you lock and unlock. Even the corolla beeps. iPhone ?
I have a new 3 (with the Smart Keys) and would like it to only beep and not beep and horn when I lock or unlock. Anyone know how to "disable" the horn but keep the beep?
Reviving this topic....... has anyone figured out a way to replicate the beeping on lock / unlock for a Prius C 1 or 2, like the 3 & 4 have? Very interested... can't be THAT hard... Hmm ~Phil
Hmmm, I have the smart key and by default it chirps but I got the dealer to turn the chirping off at the free 1000km/1 month check-up (unfortunately on the Aussie models we can't change the setting ourselves even though we have display audio). I'm entirely glad to be rid of it... the sound of the locks and the flashing lights is enough for me. I want stealth. The only time mine beeps now is if I try to lock the car while it is still in Ready mode because I forgot to turn it off... then it quite rightly gets very upset.
Getting old - my C4 chirps too quietly to hear unless I'm standing next to the car. From far, I watch for the flashing on the mirror turn signals.
i find the beep too quiet. in a noisy area with sun on the lenses, it's difficult to hear or see anything. horn would be too loud though. need something in between. to doc phil, i don't recall anyone doing this. it wouldn't be that simple. the sound probably comes thru a p/c board and may not have enough power to blow the horn.
Hey, bisco, Can I just ask you a grammar question (only because you're the most recent person I've seen use the spelling for a certain word in the 3rd line of your post above)? In the 3rd line you say : "the sound probably comes...". I get a spelling error when I type "probably" because there is no such word, of course. I'm not trying to be knit-picky, but isn't the word that everybody actually means when they type "probably" actually "probably"? Is it used because of so much texting where everybody uses abbreviations like LOL for Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Luck or other anachronisms or do people just not hear "probably" pronounced properly? I'm just curious if you know why "probably "is used so often & I figured you might know because you just used it. I've been meaning to ask this of somebody for a long time & you just happen to be the unfortunate one I finally chose to ask. Can you shed any light on this for me? Thanks, if you respond. By the way, lots of times when there is too much surrounding noise to hear the beep on my '05 & too much sunlight to see either the front or rear signal lights flash from the driver's door, I have to go to the rear of the car & push the black SKS button on the hatch where it is easier to get a more direct view of the rear lights flashing during locking. I too wish the beeper was louder (but no car horn though). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
dang, i thought i was the only one. i don't have spellcheck (or it's not turned on?) i don't text, so that's not the reason, altho i do use some abbreviations. i do think it's because it's much quicker and i'm in a hurry to get to 10,000 posts for that prize danny promised me. same reason i don't bother with caps, not trying to offend anyone, just saving time in an arena where formality is (hopefully) checked at the, i like the sound of probably. the gen III's have the rear button moved underneath next to the unlock button so it's a bit of a pain to go back there. i used to do that on my gen II as well.