When I connected my phone to my Prius C, I noticed that there was an option for reading text messages from my phone. But, the option is not clickable and the system tells me that this option is not supported for texting. My car was in park when I did this too. I have the Samsung Focus Windows Phone. Does anyone else's phone support this texting feature on the touchscreen?
I have an iPhone 4s and it does not work for me either. My only guess is that maybe it is a feature that isn't available just yet? Maybe there will be an upgrade to the system. Anyone else have a different phone brand and get it to work?
I have a Samsung Replenish and when I got my Prius C three days ago I also thought that the car had a texting option ( which I was surprised to see as the Toyota website did not mention it as a feature). When I tried to connect it, it did not work, so I picked up the manual to see how to set it up & thats when I found out - the word "text" is not for text messing but for when the radio is on if the title of the song is long and cannot be fully displayed, you click on text so that you can read the rest of the title. I was disappointed when I read this but I tried it today and it worked. -Hope this helps.
I was able to send a text message through the screen. There is an option for it. I thought it was pretty cool. Also when I get a text message on my phone while driving, it flashes on the screen that I have an incoming text message.
And then you hit the semi head-on. On the plus side, your heirs can sue Toyota for having texting on the car screen against all common sense and accident stat studies.
You cannot text through the screen when the car is moving and the flash only says you have a text. The actual text isn't written out on the screen. It only flashes for a second anyway.
Not to worry, your heirs still have a case that your accident was caused by being distracted by texting while driving and can still sue Toyota. Of course the heirs of the kid you run over or the other car you hit while texting will be suing your heirs for the settlement money.
I noticed that you have the Prius C model # 3 - I have the base model which is probably why I do not have the texting feature if I do I would appreciate it if you could explain how you obtained that.
I work for a Toyota Dealer, and my Area Training manager told us that Toyota is going to delete the feature (only a few phones support it), and to not even talk to customers about it.
That's odd. Works fine for me, C3 with a Galaxy Note, but I wouldn't use it anyway. It's of course only active when sitting still and if you're parked why would you type on the cars' screen when you can just use your phone? So I guess I take that odd comment back haha, it is sort of useless imo. Wonder why they added it in the first place...
Guys, if you will manually select the phone and carrier here: Toyota.com - Connect you will be able to see which functions are supported by your phone and which aren't.
I'd like to think that there's a safety feature that doesn't allow texting while driving, and perhaps this feature kicks in both when the car's in park and drive.
Smart move. I'm sure in meetings with lawyers, insurance companies and auto safety experts Toyota gets asked "What the heck were you thinking distracting drivers with text messaging on their nav screens!!!"
I highly doubt it's going anywhere. The iPhone is going to support it in iOS 6 so it'll go from a minute subset of phones to a massive market very fast.
While I totally agree with you its mighty stupid to look at a phone and drive, they would really have to have the nav screen turn off automatically when in drive, and there is no passenger present in the vehicle, as looking at your nav map while driving is just as dangerous...
Less so as one is not literally "reading" the map, one is looking at picture which is processed much faster by the brain. In addition, the nav is speaking the directions over the audio so no need to look at the map while one must look at the text message. It also encourages texting while driving, many drivers will pull out their phone and start texting just knowing the unread, unanswered text message is there. Txt messages or notifications via the cars computer screen is a dangerous app too far.
Wats with this "txting kills" propaganda.. if you actually Read the studies, you would know that there is actually no correlation between txting and an accident likelihood... speaking of studies...women and old people who are not txting get into more accidents than txters...maybe we get them off the road too??? Texting doesn't kill people... people kill people, and it happens more often because comon sense is not so common anymore. (BTW I don't condone texting and driving, not because I believe in the propaganda, but because Its hard as shit to do. But I am sure there are those out there who can do it just like how i can walk and chew gum. Let the death threats and guilt trip stories begin...im ready for replies lol )