To give you an idea, I had 558 miles when DTE hit 0. When I filled up to first click my tank mileage was 602 and I pumped in 10.54 gallons. My tank actual mpg was 57.1 (59.6 mpg displayed). The biggest question is how full was your tank when you filled up. Was it at the 11.9 gallons or less.
If you don't want to cut it so close you would need at least 63mpg calculated or 67.2mpg indicated assuming a 5.6% error which is my high average. This also assumes 11ga instead of 11.5ga. Again, this is if you want to play it safe right?
From my spreadsheet, when I've had a displayed value of 67.0 mpg or better, I would hit the 700 mile mark with at least 0.9 gallons left (based on calculated values from the actual fill up and assuming a 11.9 gallon tank). With a displayed value of at least 65.0, I would have filled up with no more than 11.5 gallons. So, my thoughts (assuming a normal fill up), if you have a displayed 65.0 or better, you can make it. You will breathe a lot easier the closer you are to 67.0 and above (displayed) on making it to 700 miles. Of course, you can fill up your tank for a few clicks past the initial stop point to try to get in another 0.5 gallons to give you some extra breathing room, but that kinda defeats the purpose. And if the VW dealers want to have the road trip challenge, I'll see what I can do about getting a resin 17 gallon tank added to my car and shrug innocently when I blow past 1000 miles on a tank.
So let's seee.... I'm at about 460miles currently with 63.x on the readout. +30miles to a good hypermiling location +72miles of hypermiling at 30mph avg speed (2.4hrs) +38miles to doctor's appointments +100 miles to Danville to hang with friend before he baby comes Equals 700 miles and lots of stressing! LOL
This will probably be the worst MPG in the 600 Mile Club I didn't think I would manage on this tank, but I did. Torque app showed 3 l left but I was kind of worried because it was stuck on 3 l for past 30 km, so I didn't want to push it. At 966.6 km (600.6 miles) I filled with 41.04 l (10.84 gal) that gives us 4.25 l/100 km (55.4 MPG) the MFD showed 4.0 l/100 km (59 MPG). I also checked the tire pressure and noticed that they had only 2,3 bar (33 psi), I filled them up to 2,6 bar (38 psi) I don't want to go higher as the roads here are not so good.
"+72miles of hypermiling at 30mph avg speed (2.4hrs)" I don't know how you have the patience driving for hours hypermiling. I hit a very windy dust storm on the way to a friends that is close to 24 miles away. I managed to get 55.4 mpg dash reading. On the way home I hypermiled the whole way home and got this: I barely had the patience to do it for 46 minutes. It took me almost double the time it should to get home, ha. I'm getting there though...250 miles down, 350 to go.
Nice results! Honestly I don't spend hours hypermiling. I just drive slower than the maniacs on the freeway. If I am alone on a country road then I will glide for super long distances but I almost never pulse & glide except between stop signs in my neighborhood or other city situations where it seems like a natural way to travel between places. To get to 70mpg I do need to do more pulse & glide, however. 60-64mpg tanks (calculated) require no pulse & glide sessions.
Your 60-64 mpg tanks requires no pulse & glide sessions? AC must take a bigger hit on MPG than I thought. I can't hit 60 on a tank. Never tried it though in ideal temps which is late October- November in Phx.
I have a long freeway commute so I don't suffer from as many warm up stages and I don't use A/C. Coupled with 60mph cruise speeds and gliding at every opportunity I have no trouble seeing 65mpg tanks. Simply cruising at 60mph on the freeway is good for 60+. Now keep in mind I couldn't do this when I first got the car in the spring. So it's likely the hot weather and a lot of trial and error is making this easier for me. I may be doing things subconsciously as well.
I will say that I wish my regular commute would be like the drive I had today! Went from home to my job site to another jobsite back to home. The route to first base was my regular commuter route at about 9:15AM... Some business there and back on the road to our other store that required interstate driving for 10 miles. Then back home (my day off). This was mostly interstate. I averaged about 64.1mpgs according to the MFD. If I had this sort of commute everyday, then I would be part of the 600 mile club....
Looking at your last 2 tanks on Fuelly you can make the 600 mile club. 600/55.5mpg = 10.81g and 600/57.3mpg = 10.47g
Thanks.... But my average on fill up is just 9.5 gallons... I fill up at the first bip. just my comfort zone... So maybe I am a member here LOL
It takes a little bit of balls but it is definitely doable. When you hit 500 miles start doing the math and see if you can go another 100 miles. I never top off and have had 11 over 10g tanks with the most 10.4g. I'll be cutting it close, but I am trying for 600 this tank. If I can't average at least 55 mpg after 500 miles, i'll have to try again another time. I currently have 300 miles with dash reading 60.5 down from Sat night 61.2. It will probably go down a little bit as time goes on. It is hard to maintain 60+ on dash with constant AC use.
Justin, two questions... 1. Why aren't you listed on your first post as being in the club? Surely being in the 700 club automatically gets you in the 600 club right? 2. How is Walter Lee not in this club? His average is over 60 mpg. I suppose that is more of a question for Walter, not you.