Has anyone used or read anything about 0-30 syn oil? It seems that 0-20 weight is rather hard to find, especially at WalMart in the 5 quart containers. With the extreme heat everyone is having wouldn't 0-30 be more to the engines liking? John
I've seen 0w-20 at every outlet of WalMart I've been to out here on the West coast... Way cheap too... Wonder why they don't carry it in Florida?
I bought some a year ago at our WalMart super store and now all I can find is the 0-30 weight. They have tons of weights but the very one I want. I can't believe it is that popular and they are out. I'll go back and ask at the service desk if they can order some more. Next time I find some I'll know to buy a few jugs. I might just try the 0-30 and see if it affects my MPGs.
In the Dallas area, some walmart stores dont carry 0w-20 except in qt bottles. The 5 qt bottle is about 1 qt cheaper than buying in qt bottles.
rarely find 0-20 in my Ma walmart, and when it's there it's quarts only. Autozone always has it in quarts, never in 5qt...and that sucked because the MB took 9 quarts....now that I think of it, I've never seen 0-20 in a 5qt.
I purchased a case of Toyota 0w20 synthetic in quart bottles by the case (12 qts) for $5.50 / quart. Toyota oil filters on line were about $4.00 each with a drain plug gasket. About $26 for an oil change when you do it yourself.... According to the owners manual in our 2010 Prius 0W20 synthetic oil is the required oil in all temps and climates. 5w20 is only for a one time change and then you must return to 0w20 synthetic oil.
...why not try Walmart.com they have the 0w-20. BTW I would not use 0w-30 in a Gen-3. I will provide my address if you want me to ecologically use your fresh 0w-30 in my Gen-2. I charge only a small fee and I only take synthetic. Unopened bottles only.
If a 20w is important to you I would think a 5w-20 would be sufficient. At W-Ms around here there is 0w-20 in M1, Valvoline, and Quaker State. 5w-20's in everything. 0w-30 in only M1, that I recall. But, I don't think 0w-30 would be out of the question. I'd bet my own money that a variety of 30w's are approved for hot climates around the world.
My Walmart has 0w20 synthetic from, Mobile1, Valvoline & Quaker State. I just bought some QS synthetic 0w20 jug for $20. Filter from dealer.