Okay so I just recently (May 20th) just bought a 2012 Prius III, after having an older 2008 touring. I love the Entune and everything, I'm happy, but...I'm kind of mad at myself because I didn't go for the Solar Sunroof. So I'm thinking of making a stupid financial decision, which is making me twitch. I still have about 5k in equity in the car, if I got rid of it right now. So I'm thinking I should trade it in and get the solar roof. So I want people's thoughts, I'm a long time reader of the boards, and I don't post much, but I value the opinions of the other owners. Was the solar roof worth it? Am I being completely ridiculous? Do those of you without wish you had? I'd like to point out I'm a VERY detail oriented person, little things bother me, like not having HID headlights anymore. If I don't trade in I'm at least going to get the Homelink mirror after factory by the dealer, and have them install whatever premium headlight bulbs they have that aren't yellow. Please post some feedback! I'd like another voice besides the one in my head telling me "Spend!" lol
Doesn't seem like a wise financial choice to me. Keep it a few years and live with it, then trade it in when it's time for a new car.
I just bought a 2010 with solar roof. I love it - it really seems to make a difference in how big the cabin 'feels.' I very nearly bought one without the roof and I'm glad I ended up in one with it. Only you can decide if the bad financial decision is worth it to you. There's no doubt that trading in a new car will hurt your check book, but it may or may not be worthwhile given your personal situation. We just lived through 'flipping' a different new car because my wife didn't like it as much as the one she traded in! It was a tough decision to come to, but ultimately she's happy, and I'm happy in my new Prius! Tough call, though, certainly.
First with a thread title like that, it is awfully tempting to provide a one word answer. 1. Financially, a poor option. 2. How much do you want it? I love the solar ventilation. The sun roof, not so much. Sun in my eyes often, but having the cover (not sure what to call it) open sure opens the space and makes it brighter an seem more spacious. 3. Three Solar or Four Solar? In the Four you get some other great things. Power seat, HDD, HUD, JBL.
Thanks for the great responses, I am definitely sure it's not a wise financial decision...But sometimes it's worth it for happiness. I think anyway! lol I was thinking a 4, especially with split screen entune, that sounds awesome...Just wanted to see how people with the solar roof actually like it and use it.
The sunroof will lower the headroom in the front by about 1 to 2 inches. If you already feel the Prius is a little bit tight for front headroom then maybe the sunroof isn't that great of a decision. Edit: Just re-read your original post...you asked if people without a sunroof regret not getting one. I don't have one and I don't really feel I need one...so no regrets. =) If I want to keep cool, I turn on the A/C. If I want to feel the breeze as I drive, I roll down the side windows a little. Does a sunroof look "cooler" or is more fun? That's personal preference. But I didn't get a sunroof package because it saved me money which I can use for a family vacation or other fun purchases. In the end it's all up to you.
I regret not getting a higher model prius w/ the solar roof but not enough to trade in. As others have said, only u can decide if it's worth it. The sensible side say to live w/ the current car. As for HID & homelink, u can always install these yourself as the accessory & mod. section have many members doing just that for so much less than what the dealer would charge.
Regardless of how much equity you have in the car (that's money you paid--not free money), you've already taken the big initial depreciation hit, and to trade it in after only a few months isn't something I'd do. And FWIW, I had a solar / panorama roof on a previous car and wouldn't pay for it in another car.
FWIW I love my solar roof but the sunroof is only marginally useful/fun for me. Most times it's too damn hot to drive with it open so most of the time the cover is closed. The sun is quite glaring as well. I use it mostly lighten up the interior when police drive by so my window tint appears lighter. The solar ventilation works quite well, however!
I really love the solar roof. It makes a definite difference in cabin comfort on hot days when the car has been sitting in the sun. But only you can decide if it's worth the hit you'd take on a trade in. stream - this is not just a "sun roof." Solar panels power a vent fan when the car is off and in the sun, keeping the cabin temperature closer to the outside temperature. I doubt your previous car had that.
It's a car, not a marriage. Enjoy your new car, drive it until you need to buy a new one, and take your time to be certain of exactly what you want next time.
I don't think it gets that hot in North Carolina, but why do you want it? For the look or do you actually park outside all day (many of us don't, especially with underground garage at work)?
i really want the prius 4 with moonroof, but can't afford it right now. i will not buy one without it because of the other stuff that comes with that package, plus i like moonroofs.
What gave you the impression I thought it was "just a sun roof?" If you...read...my post, I said I had a "solar / panorama roof" on a previous car (Mercedes E55 AMG), which had the same functionality as the Prius option--and that was in 2003!
please don't let the stereo system have any influence on your purchasing decision. it is remarkably bad, and not as good or "high tech" as you would hope would go in such a technologically advanced car. it's 100% complete waste of money. entune apps - useless. navigation - useless. the only thing I've used it for is piping audio or making phone calls through my iphone. it could have no screen at all and I'd still get the same amount of use out of it as I do now... i absolutely hate it. but hey that's just me
You are not detailed as you think. When buying the car you did not spend enough time researching was was important to you. I predict if you make this move you will lose close to $10,000. Just in sales taxes you will eat over $4,000 on 2 new cars in one year. In order to make $10,000 you need earn about $13,000 after you pay income tax (fed, state, city), social security, and Medicare. I do not know how much money you make a year but put it in perspective. - If you make $25,000 a year you will have to work for 27 weeks or 6 months with 100% of what you make going to this mistake. - If you make $50,000 a year you will have to work for 13 weeks or 5 months with 100% of what you make going to this mistake. - If you make $100,000 a year you will have to work for 7 weeks or 2 months with 100% of what you make going to this mistake. You say little things bother you. If you make $150,000 a year go for it. If you make $25,000 a year this is a extremely foolish choice. In my option this is not a little thing. It is a huge mistake.
I agree with your general point, although wasting $10,000 would be painful, regardless of annual income. If little things bother the author of the original post, something as big as a $10,000 hit would be intolerable.
Hell, I'm about to buy a PiP. It'll actually be stupid since we do long distance driving....BUT....I have the money and I'm old. I can either leave it to my kids (and they'll get plenty anyway) or spend it and enjoy it. I would say it depends on your situation.