That almost 7 hour trip is epic! No bathroom break? You were probably sweating it all out. haha Congrats, very cool!
Towards the end I did have to go to the bathroom but I really didn't have a good place to go so I just held it for the last 60miles. Thankfully it was rather cool so the heat was no big deal and the low speeds allowed me to roll with at least one window down. Unfortunately it was quite windy so I had a bad head wind on the one long straight away. I also had to alternate which window I had down because of the wind. I thought of your question regarding pulsing up to 45mph vs. 41mph. I observed some interesting results and I didn't like the looks on my consumption screen so I stuck with a 41 to 26 cycle.
Thanks, Brett! Now one of you has to start an 800mile club. It's totally doable! I only added 10.171ga on that refill.
Am I reading this correctly? You spent almost 7 hours driving around in circles for 233 miles just so you can get 700 miles. You crazy.
Yes but don't tell anyone else. I'll lose street cred..... I only set out to do about 70miles or so but the more I thought about it I came to realize I couldn't do it with my low mpg at the time and I kind of wanted a new record tank for myself. My girlfriend was away for work training so there was no point in going home. Instead I had a fun drive and I learned a lot about the car. This new information should help me to get better mpg in the future. All excuses aside, it is rather crazy. FWIW I drove 75mph in power mode all the way to my doctors appointments this morning then cruised back at 60mph in Eco Mode and parked the car displaying 62mpg over 78miles and 54mph avg speed. lol
You have a lot of patience. I couldn't do it. Maybe for an hour, but after that i'd get too bored and would go home. I'm going to try your 600 mile club, but it will be a while. I only have 130 miles currently @ 59.2 dash reading. I have a difficult time maintaining mid 50s manually calc. due to constant AC use.
You can do it. Just use my A/C tips to keep the car as cool as possible so the A/C hit is reduced. If you cant do it on this tank then you can get it by the end of summer when things cool down just enough so you dont have to use A/C but not cool enough to hurt rolling resistance. Most A/C users get their best mileage in the spring and late summer/early fall.
I'll try to keep it at 59. It is tough. I've only done 59+ once this summer. Usually my display reading is between 54-57.
I'll have to read your A/C tips again for a refresher. Right now I have been staying comfortable with 75-76 on low 2 bar setting. In Phx metro from mid June through the beginning of Sept there is no relief from the extreme heat. The temperatures are still high early mornings and evenings. So A/C is a must. My mileage should go up Oct/Nov.
If you are driving alone - a PCM cooling vest can keep your body temperature down in extreme heat. PCM cooling vest are used by firefighters to keep cool when putting out fires. They are not cheap but they work and reportedly work for up to 3 hours.
Kalome, Do you have the A/C on "Auto" and the temp set to 75/76, thus it is at 2 bars for the fan, or do you manually adjust it. There was a long discussion on this topic, and it was quite enlightening. Take home message - It would be better to run the A/C on Auto than to fool with it yourself. I used to do the latter, but won't be doing that again. Instead, I'll adjust the temperature such that the car lowers the fan to 2 bars (say at 80F) rather than set to 74F and manually change to 2 bars.
I do not keep the AC in auto. I manually set the fan speed to 2 bars with the temp at 75/76. I'll try the auto. Thx. btw - What was the title of the article or do have a link?
It's new for the 2012. It shows up when you power down the car after a trip. I LOVE it! That is a great start. You don't need nearly that high of mpg to get to 700 but the longer you can keep it there the easier it will be. You're better off than I was when I decided to go for it.