50 -52 hand calculated per tank full, driving in power mode using a/c. 3,600 miles driven so far, average about 450 miles per week. About 5% city driving, about 60% rural driving, the rest highway driving with our v.
That is awesome! Can you give us any details? Tire Pressure? Pulse and Glide? PWR mode makes me think that you aren't accelerating slowly. The best I have been able to get is about 46mpg. But I'm usually in the 42-43 range.
Tire presure - 42 psi, we try to do the pulse and glide thing somewhat. My wife drives it the most- 70 miles a day to work and back. She drives more aggressively than I do. We have experimented with the different power modes per tank full and seem to get the best results (mpg) in power mode while getting up to speed quicker.
Thanks Ken! I like the PWR method too! Plus, I feel that I am not pissing off all the drivers behind me. I will have to up my tire pressure. It was 35 when I left the dealer, and then after a month or so, I upped it to 38. We are driving to South Carolina next week. I think I will push it to 42 for the trip.
The biggest reason i can see for such high numbers in this case is long rural road miles. The number of warmups suffered by this vehicle is low compared to a car that only drives short city miles. Rural roads tend to have lower speed limits as well. The driving mode is almost irrelevant for long distance steady state driving unless outside temps are very high and Ac use is high. Then Economic Mode is better.
took dellivery of my new v2 on friday the 13th. i have a 45 mile one way commute... and my trip home from dealer was about 100 miles? anyway, my first week driving...first fill up today was 10 gallons exactly. had 1 pip on gauge. 496 miles on odo. display avg was 50.2 reset at dealer before driving away. i'm running normal mode mostly, factory pressures, and i typically accel to top of green zone, occasionally get into power (red) area but briefly. i drive rural state roads (highway - not interstate) ... and set cruise generally at 55-60. at 60 on flat ground the trip readout on mfd shows about 52 avg. very impressed coming from a chevy blazer. v is same dimension inside--and double the mpg.
what is the power method? what is pulse and glide? Isnt it dangerous to have the tire pressure at 42? I never entured beyond 35 on any car I ve ever owned, I was told it was dangerous in hot climate places like texas. I need all the help I can get, I am only getting 37mpg :/
Try using the search function to help you find more information on these topics. You won't find much in the v section. You need to go into the GenII and GenIII sections. You can also do a google search like this: siteriuschat.com max mpg driving techniques Always use Siteriuschat.com followed by your query and Google will find all references to your query that can be found on this site. To get you started.... New MAX MPG driving tips video | PriusChat Priuschat Wiki | PriusChat
I had to laugh!!! The missing space makes those two tips oh so humorous!! In case anyone was wondering whats going on with that it should be "Site: priuschat.com" (remove the spaces) the default for the smiley is of course colon+p...
What year is your Prius? What's your exact model? That's some great figures your achieving there... Toyota Servicing
A mate of mine has trouble reaching 45 mpg, it must be his driving, but still I'm not sure if it would make sense for me to go from a petrol car to hybrid.
The Bridgestone EL400's that came on our v show a max pressure of 51psi. As long as you are under this you shouldn't really have anything to worry about at any temperature or any load up to the max for the vehicle. FWIW I run 42/40 on my 2005 with the stock goodyears which have a max rating of 40psi as I recall, and have had no issues here in Phoenix summers. In fact they still wear on the outsides first, indicating they are technically under-inflated for the load they are carrying. A number of members here have run them up to 50psi without any apparent issues. Very impressed with our new v so far. I got 54mpg on the ~30 mile mostly freeway trip home from the dealer driving mostly 62-65mph. 200 miles into our first tank we're averaging 49.3mpg with my wife doing most of the driving. She averaged ~46mpg in her 2008, and I'm getting ~52mpg currently in my 2005. Rob
It all has to do with how many miles you drive per year. If you do not drive much, you cannot save much. If you drive 100,000 miles a year, you can pay for the entire car.
2014 Prius v Real world in Orlando Florida I have been averaging 50+ MPG around town. Recent trip from Florida to Pittsburgh PA did the following actual calculated MPG Day 1 - 46.28 mostly highway and flat Day 2 - 47.4 mix of highway and small towns (semi-flat) Day 3 - 42.26 mix of highway and country (mountains) The total trip cost me $114 for gas
You're definitely getting excellent mileage with your v! The best I've seen with my v is 46.5mpg on one tank. Although I'm not complaining ... getting anything over 40mpg is great with a vehicle this size!
For what its worth, I'm on my second tank of gas on my 3 week-old v Three. My first tank indicated 54.2mpg. My 2nd tank is indicating 52.7mpg but I'm only 3 gallons down and 7 more to go before I top it off. Not using pulse and glide technique, but driving in Econ mode with a/c set to 75. I accelerate quickly to get to speed then drive as closely to midline on the energy gauge. The car indicates 65-95mpg at this point and sometimes will drop into all elec mode.
Tires are safe to run up to their stated sidewall pressure. A pickup with heavy duty tires will have tires that hold 90 psi, my camry tires hold 42 or 44, my prius c sidewall says 42 or 44, I have never heard of a tire having a problem with over inflation. I am sure if you put 150 psi in a tire rated for 42 you will probably have an issue. I will never suggest using over sidewall max pressure, but many do and claim no ill affects. cars have a psi listed on the inside of the door jam, this psi will give you a smooth ride and your tires will wear on the outer edge due to under inflation.
im sure that inflating any tyre to 150psi would result in multiple blowouts and death. In uk 50 psi is considered excessive.