Tony, your link no longer works. Is that story still around? I saw a F OPEC Prius plate in Lake Zurich a few months back at a Chinese restaurant - was that yours, or are you getting royalties for it?
Hey...I understand. Freedom of expression. Go for it. Whatever... But in general? I personally hate personalized license plates. I hate bumper stickers too... Why do people assume I want to read their entire Social and Political cannon while sitting behind them at a stop light? Do I really care that they would rather be shopping? Rather be fishing? or their kid was an honor student? Why do people feel the need to use their vehicles as personal social billboards? I've never formed and/or changed my political opinion or beliefs based on something I've read stuck on the back of someones car. Or put on someones license plate. Sorry but whatever issue, I'm not going to read about it in 8 words or less on a sticker or licence plate and decide that I might want to re-evaluate. Sorry if I offend. And feel free to continue. It's my own personal opinion. I think staying active and vital in knowledge and HAVING an opinon is a critically important part of being a human being....I just don't like using my vehicle as a platform for advertising that opinion or hobby. Most of it is so inane. Preach to me in church. Inform me in schools, lectures and books and television but don't try to reach me at a stop light with your bumper. Most of it is garbage anyway. Join the common man. Just get a licence with a series of random numbers and letters. I don't care that you "Luv Kats" or want to "Plgg In" or some other semi-illiterate advertisement of personal cleaverness. If you have any type of bobblehead visible from your car? Please go home park it. I'm sure the plastic Flamingo's need to be cleaned. Alright, I'm ranting...sorry....guess I should of "8 Better" today......I'd rather be fishing or perhaps putting stickers of some kid urinating on something I don't like, on my car.
I find it interesting and a nice distraction while sitting at a light. It's not like I'm busy with other things...cell phones, eating, reading the paper, etc. Might as well have something to read on the car in front of me.
To each his own. But I'd strive to expand my boundaries if reading license plates and bumper sticker slogans becomes a "nice distraction"- assuming you haven't had a major stroke. I mean my grandmother as she deteriated used to go out in the car and read every sign she was annoying but she was ill and in her 90' maybe it was fun to her?
I think life would be incredibly dull not to find interest and amusement in things around me. Now the common bumper stickers that everybody has, "my child is an honor student...", yeah, I can live without those. But it's always nice when you see something pithy or humorous. Like the one on a Wyoming truck: "I support gun control. I support my gun with both hands." I'm not a 2nd amendment fanatic, but I still found that amusing.
The Electric me wrote; Hey...I understand. Freedom of expression. Go for it. Whatever How dare any American be so creative as to come up with a humorous personalized license plate?? I say this completely in jest. I think personalized lic plates are just an expression of freedom of speech and personal expression and a privilege that if you choose to enjoy, why enjoy it! As a military veteran of a recent foreign war, many who live in this country have no clue what its like to not have the freedoms most of us take for granted everyday. I say enjoy your freedoms and trust this, from what I experienced in several countries that I have visited and lived in where citizens don't have the right to express themselves freely, the freedom to express yourself is a very precious amendment.Just a Vets and patriots perspective. I always find it interesting how so many take freedom for granted. I am not offended by Electric me's comments, no not at all, thats what we have the "ignore" button for. I appreciate my freedom and will be ordering my plate today.
My custom plate isn't "eco" related, but takes folks about a minute to figure it out. Once they get it, they start to laugh. Post if you get it.
Five day owner of a new Prius Plug. I went with this, R3VOLTN. Triple meaning, revolting against high gas prices, revolting against "other" cars with low mileage ratings, and with a Prius Plug, a recharging theme. REVOLTN was taken, but this works and the backward 3 in lieu of a E is another form of revolting. My wife came up with a choice, M BOLTN. Normally I can figure out most personal plates, but I was stumped. It was for Michael Bolton fans.
'Love the license plate! But let us know how the Prius Plug-in is doing. I'll look for a new category in the Forum. Thanks again.