hey gang, just picked up my v2 on friday the 13th...hows that for superstition.... question about hv battery. drove about 100 miles home, and then a couple secondary trips.... and have noticed thatthe hv bat only seems to be charging to 80%, has a couplepips left at the top that just wont light up. the 14thi drovethe same trip basically, as i had to get myoldvehixle from dealership. battery still same. now, this was rural hwyat 55-60 mph cruise, and ac. any thoughts...and is it norml? i ran in normal mode. ambient temp 86 deg. first 168 or 186 miles so far avg mpg from,0 has climbed to 49.6 ....liking this
It's normal, the only time you may see a full charge is after a long downhill run, trust the computer it's supposed to work that way.
The battery needs room at the top for regenerative braking, so the control system tries to keep the charge a bit over half full, generally about 60% to 80% as displayed (the real SOC levels are somewhat different, as the battery is never fully charged or discharged.) Tom
hey thanks guys- oh, i need to change my profile too... so far the first 168 miles.. from dealer to home, then back to get the old car... reset to 0 before i rolled off the lot - and have averaged 49.6 mpg. i'm liking it compared to the 20 i had in my other car
Think of the HV battery as a shock absorber for energy, it needs to accept energy when you slow down, and provide energy when you want to go faster. If it was all the way full, it would fail at one of those jobs. (when it gets full, the engine starts acting as an air pump to waste energy, very bad for MPGs)
Thanks - yeah mine is running with all but last two bars full... usually. while driving. will be interesting to see if that changes when i quit using AC ... which won't be for a while yet as we are in record 100 degree hit this season.