Where or can you get the Duinomite Mega and lipuit monitor.?? .....is ebay a good source for the duinomite.. I may just go with a new laptop for a monitor. I just want to say thanks for sharing with the D enginer thread too.
It requires tapping into a OBD2 plug (which plugs into the OBD2 connector) to get CanH, CanL and Signal ground wires. It requires some wiring skill and knowledge as it is not a plug and play device. Anyhow it is readily available so just google it. You can also get a case for it. I bought mine from Dontronics in Australia. If you get the wiring wrong you could possibly damage your Canbus and make your Prius inoperable.
Woot! Now you're hooked Now it will be a three way race: who will be first to do the next DIY version of complete battery ECU replacement: you, me or Bruce??? Congrats. My Duinomite is on the way from Mouser so I should have it in a day or two. Then I'll have to figure out a screen and keyboard for it.
Much fun to be had in programming basic for me. Lots of potential for other little projects using the digital and analogue inputs. I doubt that the battery ECU replacement project can be done with enough speed using DMbasic. If it cannot keep up with speed a DTC would probably occur "Loss of communicaions with ECM". Which coincidentally happens to be a DTC I get when I use my ICE kill switch to do forced EV. However Programming in C would probably keep up with speed. I will leave programming in C to you guys and just stick with basic at this time. I would like to try your C source code or Dmbasic code for your Duinomite Mega when it is ready. Thanks. EDIT: I am getting this keyboard from eBay NEW Mini Flexible Silicone Waterproof Keyboard USB/PS2 | eBay It will just sit on the dash behind the steering wheel.
WOW! is right... NICE work, it's pretty cool to see a plan come together. I don't know, I think if you remove the screen dump and do it simple, this might still keep up. You just want to make sure to do data collection periodically (MOD(i,10) = 0), not every IO pass. I'd trudge on, see where it leads. The second CAN bus pins with COM4 I believe, I'd like to see how we can that up and running next.
I got my eMega version yesterday. Haven't had chance to play with it yet. I've also bought a used lilliput display from ebay. With all these packages arriving at the house the CFO will probably audit me soon (translation: my wife "how much are you spending on this project???"). BTW - I pick up my batteries on Friday
I wish jack aka enginer and or realforce would have a group buy discount for the 24vdc 80ah at $900 a pop just 40-90 dollars discount would motiviate me to purchase more.
Don't get the Mouser catalog - it's bigger than the NYC phone book. Just use their online ordering system - they'll happily sell one-off's you don't need a commercial account or anything: This is the "DuinoMite Mega" which is what Bruce and Lopez are using: DUINOMITE-EMEGA Olimex Ltd. | Mouser I ordered the "DuinoMite eMega" which has a slightly higher spec (but I'm torn on whether I should have just ordered the Mega): DUINOMITE-EMEGA Olimex Ltd. | Mouser For the display just google "Lilliput".
JDH, The Lilliput 7" screen is small and when used with basic you will go blind trying to read it. Need a way bigger screen for writing basic. Need to write basic to print larger characters on the VGA 7" touch screen which can be very time consuming. Any ideas. The screen in the photo is a 19" Kogan LCD screen which is not suitable for a car.
It's a darn sight bigger than the 2.5" screen on my Atmel dev board I can always hook up a bigger screen for programming. When in use in the car you don't want a text display anyway - need to visualize the data. I'll be using mine as a "head unit" (i.e. for UI i/o) for the bECU+ and I'll stop using the Atmel dev board display for anything except program debugging output. That's the plan anyways.
I was planning on displaying HV battery volts and amps etc. I guess I will have to use bar graphs and meter clocks instead. Ultimately I wanted to use it as a backup for my Canview V4 should it become faulty. EDIT: DMbasic is the only which supports CAN and it does not support colour either but it does support jumbo size font command so numbers are now a lot larger and readable.
As an experiment I am thinking of using my Duinomite Mega to repeatitively send Forced EV Canbus message 038 05 00 01 00 00 00 to see whether it will be enough to stop the ICE from starting. Then try just sending it straight away after the original is received. Or maybe write the program to find out how often the 0348 is sent.
I found this youtube with an arduino board. I think person in video is ESL. but still good sharing video for ardunio. How are you tapping into can bus or OBD can you just splice/cut a OBD cord. Or must you tap into vehicle obd wiring
Sure. So far I have just been using this CAN BASIC demo code at HERE I am still modifying CANVIEW.BAS for my 7" touch screen. I will post my latest as an attachment. Still long way from writing code to send CAN. It is very time consuming as I am relearning basic which I have not used for ages. I am sure that you and JHD could improve my programs. EDIT: Will download my basic programs to Github. Thanks.
I created this git hub repository bruceme/PHEVCU ยท GitHub A great windows client for git can be found here: http://windows.github.com I'd love to see some of the areas expanded on, particularly the message decoding