I received the Entune Update to version 2.1.0. In the mail today. The instructions were clear and the process went smoothly. Bing has voice recognition. Impressed with iheartradio startup time which is faster than Pandora startup time. Using my iPhone, Entune data connection still does not work over Bluetooth, oh well.
Just got in from the mailbox, and have the USB Entune update in my hand, I'll give it a try later today (I live in San Diego).
Followed the instructions, install was simple and easy. Now I need to read the latest documentation, where ever that is... I like to know how to activate Pandora via voice command. ??
It's good to hear that the update was relatively easy. The expense of physically mailing out software does make you wonder though. How often and for how long will that continue... especially since the advanced package updates are delivered via smart-phone connection (wi-fi or cell via bluetooth). The next step may be telling you how to reuse the hardware they just provided for the next update. In that case, you could be set for years, which would be great!
Probably cost them a $1 a mailer. Smart thing would be to tell folks dealer will install for free if customers purchases service.
I thought the update actually said that all vehicles are being equipped for downloadable updates. On another note.. my iPhone is jailbroken and my car used to quite well use the bluetooth internet sharing function from MyWi.. after the update, it doesn't hold a connection. Tried re-syncing the phone and the problem persists. I guess I'm stuck plugging the phone in via usb and starting up entune app.
Plus the hardware. Plus the labor to load the file. Plus the overhead to purchase, label, then send. Let's not forget that the software must be bundled to handle skipped updates either. Then of course, the call staff must all be informed how to support customers requesting help. The situation gets messy & expensive really quick.
Toyota's letter that came with the USB stick for my C: "In addition, we are...improving the ability for Entune to receive future updates over-the-air..."
Hey folks, I fixed the tethering problem with the DUN settings. It seems they've reset some defaults and while my initial impression was that Toyota had completely broken tethering, it's just that they've made it not obvious. Doing this makes the internet work over Bluetooth/Wifi for me. HOW TO FIX: Toyota Entune 2.0.1 Update breaks Internet Tethering over Bluetooth - Scott Hanselman
Well, I just spent a frustrating hour or so trying to get iheartradio to work in the car and I never made it. It gets so close as to even let me pick out a local streaming station, but then it just sits and buffers into eternity... Pandora works, as it always has, so I know that BT is working, as well as my connection to the internet. The 'stand in line' app or what ever that restaurant reservation thing is, doesn't seem to be working but I didn't try very long on that one. But I would like to try iheartradio... it's a shame the process isn't more transparent!
I was able to get iHeartRadio working in my C yesterday, but then Pandora started crashing immediately on loading - no message, it just exited. But today, without my changing anything, Pandora is working again and iHeart is still working. Entune is definitely flaky.
Scott, Many thanks for your insight and instructions. I successfully followed them and voila, worked perfectly. You're so correct in not being intuitive. I enjoyed reading your blog and rant about the automakers being out of step with its customers. I had the pleasant experience of test driving the Tesla "S" last weekend. The display is 4x larger than an iPad. The nav is google maps and looks incredible. It is intuitive and all the functions work while driving. They developed their own OS I believe. Didnt have too much time to play with it since I was concentrating on driving. Has a range of 300 miles on a charge with an 85 Khw battery pack. Acceleation was 0-60 in 4.4 seconds, scary fast and quiet. I have one on order but plan on keeping the PiP as well. Thanks again. Your tip was probably the most useful I have found on this board. LOVE not having to plug the iPhone in every time! John
Hi All - My first post. It looks like no else so far has had a problem with the update. My Entune update came today and the update went smoothly until app 6 of 8 where it stopped with a message that there was a "write failure - remove the usb stick to reset" I tried to install several times from this broken condition without success. I called Toyota customer service and they directed me to my local dealer. We tried the update there, but still no success. The service tech even disconnected the battery to attempt to reset everything and start over - still no success - but of course I lost some settings and history. The local service manager then called Toyota himself and was told that I needed an "extension" on the head unit which should arrive in a few days. Until then the entire App menu and navigation is gone, plus I get the repeating reset message approximately every 20 seconds. I'm really unhappy and can't believe that an update is this poorly tested that it would mess up my LCD display. The car is only 30 days old which may mean that something in production has changed since those PIPs that successfully updated.
There was a thread about this in the Gen3 Audio subforum. But people who had it done said that it was some kind of little black box that was added/replaced and that fixed it. I dont recall reading anyone saying they had this issue specifically on a PiP though.
I forget where but I saw on another site that this can be caused by a bad flash drive. Did the dealer use their own or yours to try the update?