High of 92F with 20% humidity. 71F at 10:18PM with a projected low of 58F. An average summer day for here, I wish it was average more of the time
All Summer up here in Washington state west of the Cascades... Today's the first day it got that hot this year.
High 90's. The temp isn't bad here, but the humidity is (as always) crushing. Too close to the water to be any different. The same idiot that came up with the "wind chill" factor also invented the "heat index", both intended to keep people as miserable as possible. I think the "feels like temp" here was about 106 yesterday. If you're in decent shape....no big deal.
High 90's with high humidity. It is nice to have the ocean close by where you can catch a good breeze off of the ocean or go for a dip to cool off.
Yes... But 10 out of 12 months of clouds and rain every year will bring any mortal to their knees with gloom... Of course if you have Prius-style MPGs California sunshine is only 10 gallons of gas and eight joyous driving hours away!
Just means you'll never have drought and it's always green. We go up at least once a year and would move except all our friends and family are in Cali. We're always green with envy when we hear the weather channel saying it's raining up there. The only thing is our solar panels output would probably bite the dust.
It hit 106 today, and has been at least 100 or more for probably about the last week and a half or so here. Supposed to break this week though... Thank god for central A/C!!!!!
Talk about extremes, it was 39 at the house this morning with snow falling on the peaks! Pretty much unheard of this time of the year here.