FWIW, I just checked your FB page and the email that's displayed publicly for you in the About/Info section is your @facebook.com address. I don't know if that's what you intended or if it's because FB silently altered it for you. Also, I don't know if you have FB sync your contacts w/your phone or anything else. If so, it's possible some legit/preferred email addresses of your FB friends were overwritten w/@facebook.com ones due to the above silent alteration.
Mine is hidden which is a standard setting for me though I post my email all thetime anyway So its nothing more than a redirect to prevent Spam? So why is everyone so upset over this? If u send me something to this email do I have to check it somewhere our is it forwarded to the email I have on file with them? Send me something
A few months ago Facebook rolled out a new email service where everyone on Facebook got an email account that ended with "@facebook.com". Nobody used it. So to get people to use it, in everybody's profile, Facebook changed their email contact from the real email address to the Facebook email address. I *like* Facebook (it helped make organizing my high school reunion a couple of years back a breeze; I can communicate with groups of friends who would otherwise eschew message boards without having to send tons of emails; my friends are always linking to interesting articles that I otherwise wouldn't have seen; the list goes on and on). However, I admit they do crap like the above fairly often. When Google+ first came on the scene I was all excited because I thought it would be all the good parts of Facebook with none of the crap. Turns out it's most of the good parts of Facebook and a lot of the same crap.
any e-mails sent to an @facebook.com address are put in your messages inbox in facebook. They aren't forwarded to any other e-mail addresses. It means that you need to log in to facebook in order to read those e-mails. Clearly, this is undesired for many people, who are already in the habit of checking other e-mail addresses. Further, it's dangerous for corporations who allow their employees to use smartphones for e-mail, if that use has facebook/addressbook sync turned on. A corporate e-mail containing confidential information could be sent through non secure channels (aka through facebook) instead of through the corporate e-mail, without the user even knowing.
There are a bunch of issues. People had this changed w/any notification of the moment it happened, unlike the many notifications FB can give you. For some people, I don't know their preferred email and I end up checking FB. Problem is, if this changed happened silently, and I send them mail to their FB address (the only one listed due to the change), they may not know to check it since they'd never done it before. They may not get back to me for months, or ever. If it was a time critical email... oh well. Think missed events, meetings, etc. What's worse is that it seems that some messages sent to a @facebook.com address fall into the Messages > Other folder that many people don't know about. I only discovered it maybe in the last 6 months or year because of some article I stumbled across. I discovered a bunch of messages in their from months before that I didn't even know about. I posted it on FB and others thanked me, also saying they didn't know about it and that they discovered messages in there (Messages > Other). So, basically, some emails seem to be "lost" when in fact they ended up in Messages > Other. Some may truly be lost. What's worse is that some people turned on contacts syncing w/Facebook (became a feature in the Facebook iOS awhile ago) and the silent change apparently had the ripple effect of overwriting people's email addresses in contacts w/their @facebook.com address. Again, this goes back to, that may not be the person's preferred email and they may not even know to check there. The corporate email issues that eagle33199 points to are also legit issues. Dave, I just sent you two emails to your @facebook.com address. I have no idea if that's your preferred email or not but it's listed on your FB page. I'd be curious if where both of them end up and whether you knew about Messages > Other prior to reading this thread.
Ok, FB has come forward about this now. Facebook blames bug for writing over contact email addresses | Internet & Media - CNET News
FYI; "email" i received from cwerdna came in thru Msgs/chat link (center icon on FB between "friends and "alerts" weird
Did the other I sent you via a different GMail address ever show up anywhere? Facebook's e-mail debacle: One 'bug' fix, but rollback impossible | Internet & Media - CNET News - has some other great examples of the implications of this recent debacle
Nope. Evenchecked spam folder in my gmail account nothing but then again you would not know my gmail addy anyway other than its my first name dot last name....something very original
Well... you should really only be looking at Messages and Messages > Other on Facebook. If it's in neither place, then it went into the bit bucket in the sky. I've been trying out a similar test w/a guy on Tivocommunity who posted his @facebook.com email address. He claims to have gotten nothing from me in Messages and Messages > Other. He did discover a whole bunch of messages in Other that he had no idea were there (since he'd not known to ever check there until today). I've gotten no bounce back messages from where I sent it (the @gmail.com address that's not linked w/FB). I also sent that guy an email using my @hotmail.com address that is linked w/FB but not displayed. No bounce back either.
ok, consider them messages then because that is where they came in at. still have not received your 2nd email i think. what did it say?
i checked my profile and my gmail addy and facebook.com addy are both listed but gmail is "me only" so, i guess if they wanted to, they could still find me
While seeing some value to the concept, I have serious disagreements with Zuckerberg's implementation. So I'm holding out until he starts staying out of trouble.
You did check Messages > Other on the left side of the page, right? All the 2nd message said was the subject "another test, since you asked on Priuschat" and the body was "This is from another address. Let's see where this ends up.". I sent it 7/2/12 at 4:12 pm.
never did get 2nd msg. i got first test. then your "dont chat" response (i meant to say PM...) and that is all. the 2nd test is ahh...somewhere?
I can't believe I didn't know about this trick until now. Am I the only one that doesn't know about this? If you click on the time/date stamp of a status update or comment, the URL that you end up at can be used as a "permalink" to that thread/comment. I learned of it today at My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Lost a "high-voltage battery status" bar, down to 11.