Part of my job at the local FAA office is to address complaints from the general public concerning "abnormal" aviation activities; e.g., low-flying aircraft, noise, low-level aerobatics, etc. Lately, we've been receiving a lot of calls about chemtrails. When we try to explain how contrails are formed their usual response is this is just another government coverup and its a conspiracy to poison the general population. Here's one of the statements found on line: I wonder what's causing this rabid reaction? I've listened to some of the late-night radio shows, and understand that some people truely believe in chemtrails. Why? Do they need a conspiracy theory to make them "happy?" Makes you wonder what else they believe in; (and they vote!)
We have a woman where I work who's been preaching about "chemtrails" for a few years now. She's the type who believes in what she believes in (regardless of any evidence against) and there's no changing her mind. We pretty much write her off now as she's also mentioned her beliefs in a bunch of other government sponsored cover-ups and conspiracy theories including water fluoridation, aliens, etc...
Study Watergate or the Contra funding. Governments leak like sieves. so if you believe NASA faked the moon landing or in Chemtrails, you have to be able to explain why no no underpaid government employee has not signed a book deal. This destroys most government conspiracy theories outright. Amazon had 1,360 hits for Watergate book 34 for Chemtrail book So they pay weathermen more than the Whitehouse staff?
People would rather believe something that's shown to be a hoax, even by by the people who made the hoax, than admit they were wrong. Exhibit A: The climate change deniers. Here's Exhibit B:
I have to admit that I believe our government is capable of all kinds of shenanigans. I have personal knowledge of one set of experiments they did on human subjects without their knowledge. Many others have been documented - and even admitted to. (Tuskeegee experiment, for one.) Is there any truth to the current charges? I have no idea, but such charges should not be dismissed out of hand.
...had not heard about it. Here is wiki on it- Chemtrail conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sounds like a combined chemophobia/conspiracy theory. Gets into risk communication but human nature is to be outraged by infinitessimally small or even non-existent risks unless they are in control of the situation. In other words, smoking/driving is OK even though high risk, since one personally controls it. But if someone else is imposing a perceived risk on you, that's a big issue for many of us. My 2 cents...
In the spring, when the ants go big in numbers and they forage for food to increase their numbers, some invariably enter our house and crawl across the floor. They leave these chem-trails so other ants can find their way. So count me in on believing.
Re: Ants Beware. They got high in the sky, apple pie hopes. And the ram/dam intersection has serious implications for EVs... in the Pacific NW at any rate. DaveinOlympia, are you listening? But then: Slave Ants Zombie Ants [Result not a whole lot different than driver using an iPhone.]
It is a sign from the "mother ship" she is attempting to communicate with us humans. DBCassidy LONG LIVE FLYING!!!
Fox News. Most of the Fox News FAA is a communist plot and they've been encouraging their Tea Party faithful to form guerrilla cells to free the airlines from the KGB/FAA domination. That's after they find Obama's Kenyan birth certificate and Saddam's you are safe for while.
I knew I found another Harry Harrison fan. I would bet NO one else out here caught significance of your name! Nice +1 My favorite character is "Slippery Jim deGriz" AKA "The Stainless Steel Rat" My Hero!!! I just ordered the last two books of the series on Amazon because of you! Thanks!!!
Glad I could help. I'd have gone with Brion Brandd, but it seemed like claiming to be the winner of The Twenties would be a little egotistical.
You'd be wrong! I first met Harry Harrison in 1965 and we've been on first name terms ever since, although we've met only infrequently over the ensuing 47 years. I last saw him a few years ago when we were at a weekend reunion in England; but sadly, at age 87, he's now in poor health. Here's how we met.
Operation LAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Project SHAD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Operation Dew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia