Thanks for the compliment! I actually bought a fancy little decal cutting machine, designed the logo, and made it myself. I wanted to make something simple and clean, since I do not like having duplicate wording on my car (e.g. a license plate frame that says “Prius” on a car that already has a Prius logo on the back). I’ve got it listed on eBay right now for $35 shipped. It’s a premium heavy-duty metal frame with a chrome-mirror finish. The decal is UV/outdoor rated quality, but an extra decal is included just in case. I also fitted and tested different locations of the vibration mount pads to make sure it’s on the right spots to prevent rattling when closing the trunk. For the final touch, I bought chrome screw caps, so those are also included. I’m planning on making 9 more of these. PM (conversation) me with your email address if you’re interested. Thanks a bunch!!! ebay35shipped priuschat25shipped
Winter- I PM'd you the other day, did you get it? With this latest change to Prius Chat, I can't tell if my message ever went through. I see now that it is on your profile page, along with one from radio. But it indicates that you are not "following us." My email is [email protected] Please let me know how to order and pay you. I tried searching on eBay, but couldn't find your item there. No big surprise there, as I have never bought anything through them.
Hi rogerv, no I didn't get it. I'll PM you and try responding to that. Hopefully it'll work this time.
Received! It'll be shipping out tomorrow, thank you so much. PS You couldn't find it on eBay, because it sold the other day - so it wasn't you.
Hi wintergpip, for some reason I cannot find it. Please send it to jopitflo two five six at yahoo thanks!