BP PiP. I wanted Charcoal, wife wanted BP, I am very VERY happy she talked me into BP. Love the color. Tint is ceramic Modaco 30% front 2, 20% rest.
I've had mine for a month already. Just too lazy to put up pics lol. I'll get around to it sooner or later. Nice rides!
Did she(wife) talk u into it or did she demand it. You'll appreciate the BP color even more over time when u see the different tones of white the pearl emits in different lighting & shading.
After reading almost every thread on this entire board, I picked up my 2012 BP last week. I've done around 1000kms so far (including a trip to the Formula 1 in Montreal) and so far, it's fantastic. Very different than my last car (Mini Cooper S) but actually has made my daily commute a bit less stressful. I've averaged 4.7l/100km so far and that's just driving as usual so as far as I'm concerned, this has to the only vehicle I've ever bought that "does what it says on the tin" with regards to milage. I couldn't resist adding the Star Wars touch...IMHo, the BP even looks like it should be in Star Wars
Welcome new members! Sorry for not updating the roster for a while it can now be found on page 19, post 380 in this thread. 140. Chard 141. Lexiejs 142. lightning69 143. alwaysthirteen 144. Boe 145. Jason dinAlt 146. nivia 147. Delux 148. bielinsk 149. Seko 150. Grappas 151. Jordan M. 152. guppy I hope that I did not miss anyone.
How come his car has no front plate but yours does? The Prius looks way sexy without a front plate Mike
I don't know why he/she decided not to put a front plate on the Porsche. I believe in California, a front plate is required by law and you will get a fix-it ticket if a cop pulls you over. I'm too chicken to test the theory out myself.
I wanted to pull mine off, but the dealer put 2 holes in the bumper when they installed the front plate bracket
Put me on the list! Purchased a 2010 IV a few weeks ago. Love it so far, will post a pic ASAP. It's filthy at the moment.
A couple of stainless steel machine screws will fill the holes but be a lot less obtrusive. Just pick a size to match the holes. Stainless Button Socket Cap - Coarse (USS)
The solution is Bumper Plugs. Untitled <Bumperplugs.com Select Blizzard Pearl Toyota/Lexus and order them. 25 bucks to get rid of those ugly holes. I had told my dealer that the deal was off if my car's bumper was drilled. They had put notes all over inside the car and told many service guys that the bumper will not be drilled. Our state says we need front plates but there are so many 'Vettes and other cars with no plates so I am leaving my car naked, besides, it's a Prius, who's gonna look at it other than one of us nutty people Mike