just bought a 05 prius have some issues with the car check engine lite on code is p1121 coolant flow control valve, I assume the valve is sticking which I read is a comon problem on these cars. my question is would this affect the a/c not to work right? I put my gauges on the car and compresor does not seem to load up, I can watch the gauges and it tries too but backs off once it trys to load up ( I can watch the gauges bounce back and forth but never pull down to operating pressures. any idea before I throw in the towel and take in to the dealer? also I need a nother fob can I buy a used one and get it reprogramed for my car?
No, that valve controls the engine coolant that gets pumped into and out of the storage thermos. It is not crucial to have this valve working, but useful for keeping the engine at proper temps when making short trips. Your A/C problem lies elsewhere. Look for posts by user Lech Auto Air Conditioning. As for programming fobs, there are a wealth of posts on that. Search for "chicken dance". Some posts are in the Technical Discussion forum in the last few days.
This car is considered old in A/C years, even if you never use the A/c that's even worse. Look for the basics like dark oil stains around the fitting going to the condenser or any other fitting, oil stains in the middle of the condenser. has the inside cabin filter behind the glove box ever been changed?. As for your gauges , you must completely recover all the refrigerant first. pull a vacuum below 500 microns , then recharge to the factory spec first before you do any diagnosing. Yes it takes time and money, but you can guess???? ( Dose it make and loud noise? (winnning) then clunk or click, growenning noise? If so recover the refrigerant and remove the filter dryer sock and screen to look for metal flakes, ( I have photos on my page ). If you find metal there then there is lots more stuck in the condenser, ( can't flush or clean it out!!!!!!.) THE CONDENSER IS THE FIRST BIG FILTER. only the little stuff left over makes it to the dryer sock and filter. And if you do every thing right only use the DENSO oil . I hope it a easy fix not too expansive. Good luck, ask any questions on what you find. If you have a shop that only specializes in hybirds and trustworthy that will better then the dealer
I did that I pulled all of the gas out recharged to factory specs. did pull a vacum too. wheighed it in and have a high suction low head compresor whines like it's starting to load up gauges begin to move to proper presures than back off quick can hear sound in compsor trying to load. ( I work on a/c systems in the comercial field large tonage) and I will check you site out for that filter,
There's a tsb for the hsd cooling too. I'd make certain that's been taken care of. PS al - I like your QSL card - although it's NO way my favorite . . . . that honor goes to ne1dx .
maybe this will help lech auto air conditionin | PriusChat I have two photo albums take a look and read, I have many more photos of pruis a/c problems , volt and leaf but im not much into uploading photos that are now too large , i need to shrink there file size, don't know how to do . Sence you know large system , maybe you know a little about the Fujitsu and Mitsubishi mini split heat pumps. That geage reading almost mean nothing. At least its a little better still on the prius. This is the future of cars heating and cooling, heat pumps, reversing valves, inverter, and much more. They cant introduce all that yet at once, or the automotive guys and old timers will kill them selves . Remember here in the united states our education is more in par with some of the lower 3ed world countries. Hydrocarbon refrigerants are the best CO2 is great, so are all the other natural refrigerants, just a little flammability problem but you need so little . Big chemical companies can't patent them !!! so they will Lobby and we will aways be told they are bad, don't work, too expansive, inefficient, toxic, you name it, but they work the best and no and almost no CO2 problem and vary cheap to produce. ever since pruis chat changed to this new format, I and many others have many problems. and i can not longer upload photos, it always tell me they r too large.
OH, by the . The sound you say you hear sounds like compressor time. after removing the refrigerant, remove the shock dryer and filter screen, look at my photos, at the bottom left ( driver side) remove the plug. look for metal. If found more parts to be replaced, the expansion valve is the most difficult. Only if a bad burn out. I never like to tell a customer their compressor is gone. OH yea, you have a 2005 still have a clutch, not so expensive. I was just working on some newer prius today still have a 08 and 10 image in my mind.
Yes! I have converted some refrigerators to Envirosafe (Propane/Butane mix) and am never going back. It's a 0/0 (zero/zero) on the ozone depletion/greenhouse gas scales, which is as good as it gets. Not sure it's the way to go with the Prius though... For photos, get yourself some image editing program. I like Irfanview (free). Go to the Resize/resample menu and set it to 25% or less. Cameras now store huge files, way beyond what is needed to see them on a video monitor.
yes I went to toyota to order new drier going to pic up latter, pull gas out try to pull condenser lose from radiator and pull sock out and inspect it. tried to buy oil from dealer ( to replace oil that I get out of condenser if clean) they told me they don't even buy there oil from toyota they buy it from auto parts store. He did tell me it is $190.00 per 8oz bottle! at toyota. I did play aroud with this thing before hand cand get it to work temp. buy over charginig it and it then starts to work on a breif period of time ( head goes where it should suction starts down and then the head takes off for the stars trips off the high pressure switch) and i shut it down, makes me think the sock is plugged. would take the gas very slow to over charge would not suck it in. I am afraid of what I might find. I also found a leak at the cap for the drier. is there a screen at the xspansion valve?
if there is metal at the shock and screen then the condenser is full to. A new condenser comes with a dryer shock, the expansion valve is a few hour job under the dash. Toyota made a big oopps, should have made it easy like older Toyotas only 1 hr to 1hr 45min. most of the after market universal hybird oils are one fits all heavy viscosity . As you work in HD HVAC/R you know the differences in refrigerant oils, some are for centrifugal, reciprocating, scroll have different requirements, some need load bearing additives some do not, some must have low surface tension oils and some need high. Denso has a vary good antioxidant and anti corrosive. Thats why ND-8 is the only PAG that can stand up to poor retrofits that leave a little R12 chlorine in the system. The other PAGs break down, turn black and contaminate the entire system same as FORDs deeded BLACK DEATH!!!.
ok, I got something else going on tha might effect the working of the a/c on this thing I will keep every body up to date as of what I find,. just got back off of a long 4th of july weekend trying to play catch up now, ( did not use prius we used are 400h lexues( did I spell that right?) that the air worked great on!
ok, up date on a/c problems replaced condensor ( leaking, cheap aftermarket was in front end accident before I bought) cut open found sock had black soot , not pluged didn't smell burnt. not a lot of it. did get compresor to work had to keep cool by keeping garden hose spraying cool water on it worked good! findlay replaced compresor works good now added about a 1/2 onuce of nd-11 oil could not get any out of old compresor going to tear old one apart to inspect.
If the car was in a front end accident check the fans are blowing the correct way. If they are changed from side to side they blow out through the front grill. The 2 electric motors counter rotate so the fans have to be handed to rotate in the correct direction. This is not uncommon with front end repairs on the Prius.