Well, my understanding is that ozone attacks plastics, so the interior may last longer without it. I kind of liked the idea of the water beading glasses though. Like have RainX all the time. Unless it does not last.
Index of /Prius/Smilies I snagged a few before they were gone. Use them if you like. I put some others there and will add to the list as I find time or hear of neat ones to put there. Here are a couple places I find them too. Smileys - Thousands of Free Smileys and Emoticons! SPL Forum - Smilies Just add them in your text as a insert image (that tree pic above in the menu bar). Check out that Hooters smiley I have on my site Mike
I think you are correct. If you remove the lower glove box to access the cabin air filter and then operate the car, you can watch the air door go back and forth as you switch between interior air and exterior air. All air goes through the cabin air filter.