Companies do research to improve their own products, generally on their own nickle. if LG does not improve they could quickly loose the battery contracts to others such as A123. Clearly your lack of actual facts plus the resorting to name calling are because you have no real data just baseless opinions. You are welcome to your views but don't present them as facts. Funny how you joke about GM fires but seem to ignore the 1Million toyotya being recalled for fire problems Toyota fire probe causes recall extension - Boston News |
So you use the gas engine to recharge the battery? Gas used for recharging the battery was counted as CS and the EV miles driven with that charge was counted as CD? That sounds like a bug in the software.
Yes there are times I used the engine to recharge the battery -- when I know I will absolutely use gas (generally trips > 130 miles) and when I think that MM games will improve the overall trip MPG. Its not surprising I can do better, since I can anticipate usage, I can do better than the car's "reactive" control algorithms. Unlike the Prius family, the volt MPG_CS is worse in the city, better on the highway. I've found the biggest savings is to ensure EV mode in city traffic and if I'm doing more city driving than the MM reserve can provide and if I have some highway segments in between, I may "recharge" between the uses. To save for the City, the new Hold mode will be better than MM. I also play MM games almost exclusively on hills, so it can also be seen as doing a bit of conversion of potential energy into EV range. Agreed, if one considers proper separation of CS and EV critical it could be considered a "software design flaw" resulting from using Mountain Mode in a manner other than its intended use. On the other hand, its clear the PiP does the same thing (its really the same as EV stacking as discussed in this thread HV/EV button (taking advantage of it) | Page 6 | PriusChat)