This is great. Is this specifically for the Prius C? The wires for the backup camera are in the exact same spots as the Camry.
I can't say exactly whether it just for Camry or for Prius. It seems that this one is for all 6.1" units with navi but not for JBL ones. I believe Toyota puts the same units in standard (non-JBL) Camry as well as in most new Priuses, kind of “one size fits all”. Looking forward to hear your news once you'll get your camera. I will definitely put my story in writing once I'll get my camera. However, the delivery is sucks, end of June... well...
Ok so today was my first try and I could not get the camera to work. To be honest I did not try very hard. I will set aside a few hours to dedicate to this on Saturday.
Well, what can we do... just try and see if something will work out. Where did you connect camera's power wires to? To the pins on the head unit or directly to the reverse lights? May be our units do not have a 12V output and it worth to try to connect camera's power to the reverse lights? Or even if our units have the power source, may be the power is not on these terminals all the time since the camera should turn on only in reverse position, and if there is nothing to tell to the head unit that the car is in reverse position it might not feed these terminals. I am just guessing at this point, but I will definitely going to play with my camera once I'll get it in my mail box.
Ya and I need to figure out the best way to make sure I'm making solid contact with the terminals. Have any ideas?
I was thinking about it too. I don't have the wire of my camera in front of me yet, in order to see how thin it is, but so far I came with two thoughts: 1. To find small crimp pins. Something like that: D Sub Female Crimp Pins | 2. Just DIY with a help of solder and some lead
I went ahead and ordered those crimp pins. I tried to use thick wire in the holes, but that might of been the issue.
I did noticed that since the Australian C has a rear camera that it also goes where the license light would be for NAS Spec. I wounder if that would wire in directly maybe?
I wish we could have a picture of the HU wiring with camera in Australia in order to see what kind of difference we have with them. Couple days ago I've sent an email to Fujitsu Ten here in the States in order to see if they can help me with HU wiring diagram; however, their answer was that they are not familiar with the model number I have. They also have asked if I have more info with regards to my unit, and all I could do is to send them a picture of the sticker I have on my HU. No answer since that day... That's the only info I could find with regards to our HUs: OET List Exhibits Report' And under request for confidentiality it seems that the block diagrams and schematics have permanent request.
Vinny, I took my HU off again, and I also looked through this 16 pins black connector. I have only one wire there (purple) and that the only which has crimp pin inside of the connector, the other 15 pins in this connector are empty, so no wonder why you couldn't have any solid contact in these terminals, since there are no crimp pins inside of this connector. Still waiting for my camera. Let me know if you will figure out throughout the weekend.
Ya It's the same way for some models of the Camry. I tried to use thick wire that reached all the way down. I was able to measure a 12 volt feed coming out when the car was on (same as Camry) but I'm guessing one of the four are not connecting. Hopefully the crimp connectors work.
Good find. I also noticed that they offer a parking assist device, which I would assume is a front facing camera. So the easiest way to get a rearview camera is to purchase the exact camera from the Aussie's. I wonder if the right hand drive might affect camera view? Still some details to work our even with the OEM camera. great work!
The parking assist device which you've mentioned above sounds like parking sensors to me which are usually ultrasonic. I believe that the right hand drive will not affect the view, since the camera usually mounts somewhere in the middle of the trunk anyway. Really hope that the aftermarket cameras will work out for us since the OEM camera will cost hundreds of $$$...
Do some research about PC AU with rear camera, the HU is different from US PC, also the location of rear camera is not in the license light spot, is very left of the license plate. Now, if everyone go and see where the license plates are there is a area marked as it was for that spot of the camera.
Nice shots yea I see the outer line where you can cut it out and put a camera. Looks like they put a gasket around the cut out as well. Does anyone know if their is harness in that spot on the NAS cars that a Camera could plug into? Im very likely not which is to bad.
I have checked mine, there is no any marked space at the very left of the license plate. The only spot which looks like a location dedicated for the rear view camera on my C is actually the left license light. Right above the light. I marked this area on your picture in green. This HU actually doesn't look like the one which they show in puctures from Australian web-site, at least according to this link: Toyota Prius c prices I am a little bit confused , since when I was reading the acticle it seems that this prius C review was in Malaysia not in Australia: "The one we are reviewing here is the only model available in Malaysia which is the Prius C Four or better known as Toyota Aqua in Japan."
Well look carefully and it should be as the same area as the pic. In my silver one I see it, try to take pics but that's impossible due to the light spot shown