My understanding is, extended warranties can be purchased anytime before the expiry of the original warranty, correct? Are there any significant disadvantages to declining it at time of sale? The main factor for me is, sure, I might want that coverage, but I would rather wait and spend that down the road after a few income earning years, rather than blow it today making a big buy bigger. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
From what I also understand, you are definitely not required to purchase at the time of the sale. The regular Prius period you can buy within is up to 3 years/36,000 miles, I believe. Plus, I've also read you need to check with multiple dealers for the best price on an extended warranty. Now, you may get "a better deal" on a warranty if you buy at the time you purchase the car, but after buying an extended warranty on my Civic and never having to use it yet, I'm leaning more towards your frame of mind and hold off a year or two before you buy one.
I have owned Toyota products since 1989 when I purchased my first new Toyota extra cab 4x4 pickup truck. I have been a loyal Toyota customer since. I have owned many new Toyota cars trucks over the years. I have never purchased a extended warranty and never had the need for one. I always have my vehicles serviced at my local dealership at recommend owners manual intervals. It has been my long time experience that if you properly maintain your car the likely hood of you ever needing to use an extended warranty is very remote. I had a friend/coworker who use to sell Toyota's and he told me that dealerships love it when someone purchases an extended warranty. (pure profit in their pocket) He said trust the dealership is counting on the math that you never ever end up using it and they already know the odds are slim to none that you actually will. They know the math. Another thought is if you have doubts about any products integrity, quality and longevity and feel like you need an extended warranty maybe it's not worth purchasing. I would take the money you were going to spend on an extended warranty and invest it in a "rainy day" fund for that repair that you think may need the $ for. For what its worth. Cheers!
I view them mostly as an insurance policy against any future car repairs. Having said that, I bought one for my new C.
Ha! It was actually half that amount. Still, the stripper would be nice! You can have the candy and flowers.
my baby is under lease. Once it's up well see hoe the economy is doing. The resistiual on my C is 13.9k. I sorry but it will be worth way more then that in 3 years. Try and find a 3 year old, low mile Prius hatch for 16k. Does not exist. But I digress. Warranties, I'll be getting one if we decide to buy our little C3PO. If the Nav unit concks out. $1500 please! I made $500! Just like that!
Just don't let them sell you one like the document attached and claim it is Toyota's warranty. Found this out later. Read 2nd page, left side, in exclusions, last sentence in slanted text.
Mine is directly though Hendrick Toyota, $0 deductible, 100k miles. I think it was actually reasonably priced. Time will tell.
Your dealer is dirty. I'm so sorry your finance manager is a crook. Do you have a "BAR" or state run bureau that regulates theses things? Legal council maybe a good option as well.
i purchased my extended waranty at the time of my sale so that it could be financed instead of having to come up with that chunk of money later