Re: Prius V fuel mileage My last two tanks have averaged a calculated 50.0 & 52.0 mpg. My impression so far is that your average mpg will differ depending on many factors of your commute: city/highway, hills, temperature, wet/standing water on road, heavy/light traffic. My commute is 33 miles each way of which 28 is all freeway with some moderate hills and a posted speed limit of 60 mph. I can consistently get an indicated 53-55 mpg on the way to work and 56-58 mpg on the way back in medium traffic. I set my cruise control between 57-60 mph. You can see my page linked on my signature below. So far I can say that the V will get around 45 mpg around town and 55-58 on the highway if you drive it right. Driving over 60 mph will yield progressively worse mpg. At 55 mph, I think it is possible reach 60 mpg under the right temperate/road grade conditions. And yes... I'm still talking about the V. If you just drive it (but not speed too much -- ie. 65 mph or less), I think you will easily get 42-45 mpg tank averages without employing hypermiling techniques. Even driving at 70 mph you will probably still get around 40 mpg.
Re: Prius V fuel mileage The mileage being reported is US gallons. As for the post asking about highway speeds, we would be doing 60-65 mph when we would feel the "jerkiness". I would glance over at the display and it would be reading 0 mpg (in our case 0 L/100 km) and then when it would "jerk" it would kick in to some form of fuel consumption (can't recall the last reading).
Re: Prius V fuel mileage My wife has perfected her technique somewhat. Driving frequent around town trips in economy mode, she's averaged 51 mpg over 2200 miles of our ownership. She's not really a "hyper miler" but does avoid the red range on the gauge, and I imagine, is in EV mode quite a bit within the local neighborhoods. Again this is in very warm Florida with mostly flat terrain.
Re: Prius V fuel mileage Is this a suttle/barely perciptible jerk? Under certain low load conditions (smooth level roads), I have noticed that at highway speeds (55-65 mph) you can feel the car swapping between charging the traction battery to driving the wheels rapidly. You can witness this by monitoring the Energy display. When you say the car is on EV mode at 65 mph, do you have a white EV next to the power meter?
Re: Prius V fuel mileage HaveNoCents – You will have HaveNoFreeMPGLunches on your Grand Mille Vee-Miglia Over-The-Road trip to New Jersey and parts East, traveling at Interstate highway travel speeds (i.e. 70-ish MPH). Once you exercise the horses in your Vee-Puppy above the “Magic” 45 MPH point, the 1.8 Liter Four-Banger "Atkinson-Cycle" is Turning’ & Burnin’ gasoline almost like you were driving a Corolla at highway speeds. Therefore, on a “Chocks-To-Chocks,” GOZOUTTACOMEBACKTA basis, with ~99% at constant speed “Highway” and ~1% “City” for off-ramps to comfort and refueling “pit stops,” it is not likely you will be logging 50 or more MPG for your Grand Tour from TX-To-NJ-To-MA-Return-TX. Yeah, you will beat the Corolla 1.8 Liter I4"Otto-Cycle" Official EPA MPG Highway numbers by getting incremental MPG help from the HSD “Gremlin Gas Misers” Fuel Metering & REGEN to boost your AVERAGE MPG numbers from the mid-30s into the mid-40s MPG range. However, expect best-case Total Trip AVERAGE MPG numbers on the MID Display Readout in the range of around 44-48 MPG, with an Average MPG Calculation Per Refueling Topping-Off Measurement of 3% less the MID numbers. I recently took an 850-mile Over-The-Road trip that was ~80% Interstate “Highway,” and ~20% Off Interstate, Around Town “City.” On that trip, I logged 45.9-48.1 AVERAGE MPG on the MID Calculated By HSD, and 44.7-46.7 AVERAGE MPG Average MPG calculated Per Refueling Top-Off Measurement Calculation. If you drive “Hybrid $mart” on your trip, you can expect to beat the Official EPA HIGHWAY for the v, but only by around 115%± of EPA not the 125%+ for which you are hoping. Read Trip Report here: Have a great trip and watch out for the crazies out there. lane:
Lol. I guess I'm going to have to put the sails up. I was hoping my 46/44 air pressure would help get me to the 50's promise land. The more I think about it though, our suitcases will be like having a 3rd person in the car. Maybe I can get my wife to run along side the car. It was fun reading your trip journal. If you don't make a living writing you should definitely consider it. I too am miffed by some of the directions Ms. Nav can spew. Yesterday I was getting on the ferry and she told us to make an immediate right turn. Of course that would have placed us in the bay, but I don't think I could prove it was a premeditated act to get even with me for calling her an idiot the day before. Cheers to all
Re: Prius V fuel mileage Yes, just as you describe it. I cannot say that the EV light was on -- I was assuming that it was EV mode as the portion of the display I was looking at read 0.0 L/100 km when I saw the transition during the subtle jerk.
My wife drives the V to work - she has about a 120mi roundtrip commute each day, mostly highway miles and she likes the exceed the speed limit by about 10 miles as she's always running late! On ECO mode she gets around 43mpg and that goes up, of course, if she does some around-town driving during her lunch breaks and/or on the weekends at home. Not bad - but some of these other posts are motivating!
I have driven my v over 12,000 miles, getting 41.2 mpg on average. On a recent trip to Santa Barbara from Anaheim Hills, about 70% hwy driving at 70m+mph, it achieved a calculated 43.9mpg. The worst was 38mpg.
Ok here's my deal; Had now 5 fuel ups. Last Tank I'm averaged 53.7 mpg. I try to maximize EV mode when possible. I try to stay under 67mph. My commute is 45 miles each way, highway avg 62 mph, hilly City/highway 30%/70% I snuggle behind trucks to cut down on wind breaking, and aggressive drivers behind me. I speed up gong down hill and try to cast uphill as to optimize gas usage I put it in "B" mode to engine brake on long downhills. Sometimes "N" to extend coast. I usually have the AC on. I put 87 octane in. Tire pressure: f41, b39 ------ The previous tank I tried a different typical driving style; Turned off MPG display. Accelerated at will, and mostly for fun. Drove to work avg. 75-80 mph Ignored EV mode, power mode often. MPG = 43.4 Interesting that there would be ONLY a 10mpg difference between driving styles, no?
Sound like a good deal for you NavySeal. I like the details of you driving styles. Quick points to share; Your Prius will automatically shift into B mode (engine break) when the battery is full when going downhill long, so I would love to hear why we should manually select it early during a long decent (input from any PriusChat members appreciated). I think I read that when coasting in N mode (neutral) your Prius does not stop the fuel pump, so it is not THE most efficient way to coast (PriusChaters correct me if I'm wrong) Quick question; Are you MPG stats from the display or calculated. Quick suggestion; Register at and get those great MPG stats out there for everybody to see and enjoy. Quick answer; I think 10 MPG is a significant swing just for driving styles. It is approaching %20 of the awesome 53.7 MPG you scored. Who would not want to save %20 at every fill up?
The 2012 Prius V is awesome. Average 520 miles/tank of gas with 57 MPG. All four tire pressures are set at 40PSI and I drive the speed limit. 65MPH on the San Diego highways pisses a lot of people off but I have been getting great MPG results.
We have been driving our Prius v for more than 8000 miles now. In the winter we averaged 42 MPG. Now that it is summer we average 45.3 MPG. We are very happy with the mileage, not so much with the quality of the car though.
I am in FL warm now, but at the same mileage received 42.8 for the first time! They said there is a break-in period and I guess there is!
Finally at 3000 miles, no matter how I drove her...I received 42.8 and holding. I guess there is a break in period as I studied the driving, but realistically in Tampa traffic, one sometimes need to move.
14 fill-ups so far lowest 38.08mpg (in Oklahoma winter) highest 47.7 (in warm Florida) recent 2261 mile trip 43.66 mpg all calculated have had two tanks come in under 40 mpg, all others over 40 mpg this is my first hybrid, 52 yrs old, but peope have accused me of driving like a Grandpa for years (lol) so the car fits my driving style