So...last weekend, i was so excited to put on my shark fin antenna on my PIP...without thinking, i try to stand on the back wheel while cleaning the roof surface area with dawn liquid soap from all the waxing i've done on the car....while the car is charging. Well, i slipped and fell...(i am ok) while i was going down, i snapped the plugin-door! YES, broke the door from the car! So pissed. Anyway, luckily, the front of that plugin door (matching paint) can be remove and put in the new door kit once i get it replace... Get this, i ordered the part and it costs $120.00...but going to take 3 weeks to get here b/c its being shipped from Japan! For now, i put some brace with a few screws (plastic arm area) to hold the broken parts together.... My question for the forum is...anyone know the procedure how to replace this door? Again, its the swing out door for the charging port. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Wow. Last time someone had that much trouble with a shark fin, Roy Scheider was telling everyone to get out of the water, and Robert Shaw realized he needed a bigger boat. I hope it all works out. Good Luck....
Bummer to hear of the misfortune. Doubt that anyone will have procedures at this point... too new. Guess you will have to chart new territory or have the dealer install it.
well, the fin is on and its great looking (see pix) least for now, the door is being held together by a few screws (see pix) BTW, dealer wants $110 to install the door.
Sorry to hear about your door but I an shocked it only costs $120 to replace it. And ya I know its still high but I would guessed something closer to $200
[quote="kevinhuan, post: 1574896, member: ] My question for the forum is...anyone know the procedure how to replace this door? Again, its the swing out door for the charging port. Any help is greatly appreciated.[/quote] An educated guess says you will have to remove the right side interior hatch panel.
That's why god invented money. Fix that car! Actually kinda shocked that the rotator is plastic. Never paid attention to it yet. I'll be careful now.
Maybe it's better to be plastic. If it was metal, the door would probably be bent out of shape and won't close. Or worst, it rips the body. That'll be over a thousand dollars worth of body work and paint.
Glad you weren't injured. About 14 years, ago, I stepped on a 5 gallon bucket with a lid on it to reach an item on the top shelf in the garage, like I've done thousanda of times for 40 years plus. Well, I slipped and landed on one foot. It's was OK, but i snapped my right Achille's tendon. It cost me a $2,500 total insurance copay and 12 weeks in a cast and crutches. Now, I own the best and most expensive Little Giant ladders that I can buy and use them religiously. And, I make sure that they are well planted, before I climb them.