Mitch, I sent a similar email in March when I got mine and got a similar reply. Do you also reset EV1 each fillup and leave EV2 for lifetime? Also remember to add your fillup data to our MPG Spreadsheet: Thanks,
Thanks... I had pretty much given up on them.. When I asked once before would not even increase the MPG per tank so that it can show my volt data properly. I too have KWH listed in my notes, but I had to compute stuff by hand so maybe that did not help them see it as viable. And yes even MPG is more of an issue when you go 5-6 months on a tank. Now with myvolt data being provided again maybe they will reconsider as there is automated monthly reporting of both. Given your inspiration, I wrote to them again... requesting both the change to allow > 200MPG and the kWh tracking of some kind. Maybe if lots of people keep requesting it will happen. Here is their reply to my email
I went ahead and made a few more change today. People kept making changes that broke the database functions (e.g. sorting including it), so I moved the DB headers to the top, modified all the equations and the hid the DB table stuff so people cannot see it. Then refroze the header so maybe it will not get modified..
Pagemillroad, I moved your MPG entries to the bottom section of the sheet. Please enter all the data when you add your fillup data. Thanks,
The MPG sheet has 77 fillup entries from 40 users. There are more that 40 PIP drivers that view PriusChat. We would like ALL PIP users to add their info every time they fillup. ALSO please enter ALL the info, not just the miles and gallons. The more data the better. If you have info of past fillups that you haven't added yet, PLEASE enter it. The link is in message #1 of this thread. Thanks,
FYI - you may want to refer to the user's manual to locate the new placement of the fuel door release actuator!
I exchanged some emails with Fuelly and they are looking into adding some fields for us, they just need to know how we track our data. I pointed him to this spreadsheet for reference. Hopefully we can get this added.
That's me... and yes my entries are accurate... and yes they are for a Plug-In Prius. I know the MPG is abysmal. I might be 3 sigma below the PIP mean... sorry guys for being the outlier.
I think the request is to see i you can fill in the data for kWh Gal. Gal saved EV % EV miles HV % HV miles Gas
Okay let me look into it... I just looked at the spreadsheet for the first time. Whew! My MPG only 1.5 sigma below the fleet mean. But the distribution is not normal at all...
Correct.. I don't think PiP drivers are normal (in a Gaussian sense) Here is a plot of trip MPG frequency
Here is a Summary since I got the PIP: Got the PIP March 14. Saved enough for 2 Dinners !!! If I use a Typical MPG of 35 mpg, then the Savings $ of $139 !!!
We're getting a lot of data on the MPG sheet. Hopefully, those that aren't adding their PIP Gas Fillup data will START. Also, I notice that few of the entries have Metered kWh. I get mine from a Kill A Watt at home and one at work. I got them for $20 each on Amazon. I wish everyone would get something to know how much they're adding each charge. Do the L2 devices that some have installed display their kWh delivered?
bisco, you must be doing mostly short trip driving and charging at all of your stops. I have 3 fillups since April 21st, and I usually go 2 to 3 weeks between fillups, I could go longer, but no point in pushing it. Did you see the conversation I started with you about the full sized spare tire setups? I ended up getting the lot of 4 on eBay, if you are interested (or not) please reply to that inbox conversation, I am trying to locate local Boston area PiP drivers for 2 or 3 of the set (I really only need 1 spare)
i'm sorry mitch, i did reply. not sure what happened. i think i'm going to pass for now, i haven't decided on a spare yet but i was thinking of the donut if i do, just to save space.