I think your idea of a test drive is perfect! I'm a card carrying gas guzzling muscle car / diesel truck guy (I am vegetarian!) and I swore I'd never consider a Prius but after spending $125 on fuel every 2 days I finally test drove a Prius (all 3 models) a few weeks ago and immediately decided to add a Prius hatch to my fleet! The test drive was the clincher I was totally blown away by how far the Prius had come. Just got home from a 1400 mile road trip last night (Phoenix to Seattle) and I passed many a Charger at gas stations on my way home (btw I'm also a die hard Mopar fanatic and I really wanted the Challenger SRT8 so I understand your man's cravings for Mopar)
Late in a repy...but what I a gathered you are both young... Congrats on being together 6 years.... But you all need too to look more towards the future with kids and all... Hate to say your BF seems to be living in his youth... As was I even 10-15 years ago in my car choices...
Why not get a Prius and the other car. (I haven't been keeping track of what he wants to get.) I'll bet that you'll both appreciate both cars more. Let's say the other car is a sports car. You'll both appreciate driving the Prius as a relaxing place to be.
Well, the problem for her is that it is her boyfriend's money, not hers. The boyfriend is the one getting the car, and she wants him to get a Prius because it is green and wiser. Her boyfriend just got a Challenger car because of his mother's prompting, citing the Prius is ugly. I don't think the money he got from his father is enough to buy two cars.
We know what the right choice is, but if it's his money it's his car. People usually have to make their own mistakes. Sometimes they even learn from them :_>
The Prius is a great car. My wife thought the Prius was an ugly looking car too, but then when she saw the Prius V, she thought oh they do look so nice, and it depends on the colors you get. My wife wanted a Seinna because she wants the room, but when I showed her how much bigger the Prius V was compared to our 07 Matrix, she is much happier now. With gas prices going up and up, I would suggest the Prius or like someone else said the Camry Hybrid. Yes, these 2 may not be all electric, but they should definitely save you so much money on fuel. It all depends on the colors and style of Prius you get. Show him the different options on the Prius that he would get if he got one.
It's a long life. We have many experiences during that long life. Some good, some not so much. But they are good to have to add to the story we look back at. It's good for men to be men. Meat/fire/power is what we love. Remove that from our lives and we are no longer men, but mere shells that move and speak. You can be as green as you want if that's your thing but if he can't be himself a little and is forced to bend to someone else's vision of perfection, when he springs back it may slap you in the face. Allow the other half to do things, they will allow you to do things. Don't fixate on very many things, but bend in the wind and let life move you and not break you. Ultimatums are great until they don't break your way. There have been so many good ideas in this thread that I hardly think I can be so profound as to be the best of them, but these are the things I've learned to make a happy life for my wife and I. We are two type A's that are very happy together, and you can't get that by both of us always getting what we want. Best of luck to you in all things.
It just so happens that I actually am a man. One of those men who likes meat, fire, and power. If you don't understand it, it's ok. Those things come in a large variety of styles and sizes, to fit all styles and sizes. You can turn away if it makes you uncomfortable. It's even ok for women to like those things. Wife is from Montana, is a retired Navy Chief, and a Girl Scout leader for life. She's familiar with all that stuff and gives lessons.
Well, at least you have progressed from your first post, where all men share your habits. I spent years in the Israeli infantry and paratroops. A few of us were vegetarian, and I assure you that studliness was judged quite differently than your girl-scout view of the world.
You have read WAY too much into very little. You have no idea about me from this small an interation. Nor I about you. Nor do I care to berate or be berated. My opinions are mine, and I'll leave yours to you.
His money let him get what he wants. Hopefully at six years dating he will buy his charger and get you a ring. Good luck ! PS I had an srt8 and it was amazing but I do like my Prius Galaxy Nexus ? 2