already hit 5000 miles and had to go in for my first routine maintenance. Only averaging around 45 mpg even though i feel like im driving pretty conservatively most of the time but still happy as its still 20 more MPG than my last car.!
Wow, I don't expect to see 5k until sometime in mid 2014.. What kind of Eco scores are you getting when you drive? I've been getting around 85 out of 100 on many of my short trips. We are at 255 miles total, with 54.3 MPG. (My wife doing most of the miles). As we learn to drive better and the engine breaks-in, I suspect we will be getting around 60 MPG. One nice side-effect of buying a 'c' for my wife, she's not speeding anymore! I think she's learning that obeying the speed laws saves money.
Wow, you only drive 2,500 miles per year? You should consider putting sta-bil in your tank to keep the gas from going bad if you only go through a tank of gas every two months.
Her 2003 Corolla (purchased in 2002) was traded in with 35,150 miles on it. That comes to about 3,500 miles per year. However, the rate monthly rate was much higher during the first 5 years. She retired 5 years ago. So, I'm just guessing it's going to be 2,500 to 3,000 miles a year, for the 'c'. It could end up being a lot more, since I might want to visit my Texas family (4,000+ miles round trip). I've made the trip a couple times before in the late 90s. Have to do some road trips around new England and see if a Texas trip is feasible.. I don't drive as much as my wife, so I've been using sta-bil in my car for years. It's a 2009 Ford Escape 2.5L 6spAT, and gets pretty good MPG, so I'm only gassing up about once a month. (or less). Now that warm weather is here, I'm not too worried about the 'c' fuel. We will be using her car more, and leaving the SUV at home. It's almost down to 50% full, in only 15 days.. (since dealer fill-up). She will be going in for a fill up within the next week or two.
I'll be hitting that soon, I drive about 90miles RT daily on my work commute so I'm curious to see what my ave mpg is.
I am at 3500 miles and averging 57...pretty amazing...especially that savings says I have saved over 452.00 so far compared to my previous car....and it's only been 2.5 months! Amazing!! -M