While on a recent vacation, my sister-in-law, trying to do a good thing, washed my clothes but neglected to remove my FOB for my 2008 Prius. I returned home only to find that the FOB would not lock/unlock the doors. I replaced the battery (the old one was reading only .03vDC) but still no remote lock/unlock. How can you tell if the FOB is working since there is no "little red light" like I have seen mentioned by other owners It looks as if the FOB should be watertight, is it? Any way to clean inside the FOB in case there is some corrosion? What should be my next step?
Are you saying that the FOB got soaked while washing the car? And is it an SKS type? Perhaps it got wet by being left in the door lock. If she was using it that way, maybe it already was not working in the wireless mode. Check the "Key" button under the steering wheel to see if it got pushed in by mistake, turning off the SKS.
I seem to remember an old thread with a similar happening. On the positive side, I think function returned when the fob slowly dried out. Of course? You may of suffered more damage. How long has it been non-functioning? If it hasn't been long, I think my first step would be to just try to dry it as best possible and wait. If it's been a few days, and seems entirely dry.....then? You'll have to divorce, re-marry, and get a new sister in law.
:lol: glad to see a sense of humor out there. It's been several days now so I think I need to pursue a solution.
No, the FOB got soaked because it was still in my pants' pocket when she washed my pants. I'm not sure what an SKS type is.
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/96135-washed-my-smart-key.html Here's the thread. Similar experience. Don't know if it will help.
My 2006 fob has a red light when you press a button on it. It's on the right side of the remote, towards the top. Edit, you can see a white dot which is the light: http://www.fjcruiserforums.com/foru...188144445-2008-key-remote-work-2007-prius.jpg SKS it Smart Key System. You can easily tell this if you don't have to push the button on the remote to lock and unlock the car. You just simply touch the door handle.
Bad move putting in a new battery. That may have completely destroyed your still wet fob ($450.00). Always remove all batteries, then dry out wet electronics by dropping them in a container of dry rice. When COMPLETLY DRY add a new battery and SEE if you saved it. KI4JE
Disasemble the FOB. Assume it's dead or fried with the new battery and don't worry about breaking it. Moisture on the button contacts or under the chips will keep it from working. Blower dryer works the best for drying. The electronics should be good up to a temp of 70c for a short time. Don't melt the rubber parts, hand dry.
Did you get a second electric key when you bought the car or is that something Toyota just started doing recently? This made me check that I have the second ekey. If I get the first one wet, I can use the second one while applying the battery out, bag of rice cure on the first one.
It went through a wash cycle a couple of rinse cycles and presumably the dryer with the high heat . At this point you can put rice on it until you make a nice teriyaki dish or blow dry it until it looks like Mitt Romney's head and you still are most likely going to need a new fob. I hear you can get a new sks FOB on eBay for under a hundred. Programming it may be the challenge. If you ask around you should be able to get it programmed for between 50 to 100 dollars. See these threads: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...hooting/25194-programming-smart-key-home.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...21501-end-don-t-lose-your-keys-else-myth.html Use the search function to find more.