That looks pretty good, but I don't understand the point of the moldings. I understand that you get dings in the moldings instead of in your door, hopefully. But you still have dings, and you can't just remove the moldings because the paint on all four doors will have faded differently where the moldings are. So don't you land up having to replace the moldings over and over again? Is that really much better than having to repair a door from time to time?
The molding can absorb blows better than sheet metal. The molding will spring back, where the sheet metal will dent.
Exactly, well said. Also, I think they dress up the plain-looking slab-sided doors a bit. It's my understanding that the moldings can be removed with a heat gun and a little rubbing alcohol but I've never had any need to remove them on my 2009s.
I like the looks of them. Tho on my last car, they didn't help with a very bad dent that someone put in my door when they opened their car door, it landed about an inch below the door molding!
What source did you get the molding with the chrome? I found one site but didn't know if it worked for the priusv or not. (listed for '10-'11 prius')
I'd check before putting BSMs for a liftback Prius on to a Prius v. The Prius v's doors are quite a bit longer than a standard Prius liftback's doors. I don't know the source for BSM with chrome.
Exactly. I won't buy from anywhere unless I know it's good for the v. Just debating the chrome lined vs standard BSM.
The ebay link that I posted earlier clearly states that it is for the Prius V. They also shows the pictures of a black V with the moldings.
Must have completely missed that, thanks! Still can't gather my thoughts on if the plain or inserted with chrome looks better on the black V's
I'll try to add the chrome-lined moldings to the PC Shop today. I have always had access to them, just didn't realize there was a market for them.