$3.45 which is the lowest within driving distance. It is horrible to think that that is a good price.
Probably my shortest post here. $3.95 for 87 octane (down from a recent high of around $4.15). (Ct has high gasoline taxes).
The least expenisve regular gas in the general area is at Costco in Warrenton Oregon at $4.029 / gallon. Everywhere else it is $4.159 to $4.259 per gallon. I anticipate the price to be $4.50 per gallon by July 4th at current trends. I just noticed that untaxed world market price for regular gas on futures is $2.90 per gallon and has dropped down at least .25 cents from its high a few weeks ago. So, let me get this right, the world market price for gasoline drops and the retail price market increases, I know I went to public school but this still doesn't seem right.
The rest of the country was dropping but the west coast prices went up due to refinery closures in California and Wahington.
Hummm, might have to hyper glide on down to Bama and fuel up. The "best" I've seen/paid was $3.55 in a town about 35 miles out. Around here it's holding at $3.69 this last week. Deb
$1.41 per liter - $5.34 per US gallon - $6.41 per UK gallon - in SSM Ontario Canada $1.00 per liter - $3.78 per US gallon - $4.55 per UK gallon - in SSM Michigan USA !!! Separated by an international border, river, and bridge. Two miles to a $1.56 per US gallon savings !!! (minus $6 bridge fare !!!) So, is it worth approx $10 per tank savings ? Probably not, after waiting in line ups, and border guard harassment !!!