Well put Seanjhart. In the crazy LA traffic, this very blind spot can be a big/dangerous issue, even with the side mirrors adjusted properly. We have an '07 Camry that has the same exact issue. I love the car but for the massive C pillars. Thanks for everyone's (civil) input!
Been driving my Prius v5 for 5 days now including a 400 mile roundtrip excursion and didn't notice a blind spot. ???
I posted earlier re the massive mystery blind spot...500 miles so far and I still can't find any significant blind spot, or even an insignificant one.
Perhaps it is a perceived one or an expectation on how it is viewed. Some people's field of view might also be restricted to height in the seat or neck issues. At this time, I do not see an actual blocked blind spot beyond the traditional car blind spot locations.
As an owner of the 2012 V I will agree that there is a large blind spot on the passenger "c" column which even the nice large back window does not compensate for or the back up camera. I have also removed the oversized headrests in the back seat to improve visibility which I can because we do not have back seat riders. However, I keep them under the front seat just in case.
I feel like i have the opposite issue. When glancing back before making a lane change, the column between the rear seat and cargo area deceives me into thinking there's another vehicle there when there really isn't. I've sort of gotten used to it now and adjusted accordingly.
I have no blind spot with properly adjusted mirrors. It is quite surprising to see how many people on the road have their side mirrors directed straight back (you can notice this when you are driving directly behind a car and can see the drivers face in the side mirror). That is what your rearview mirror is for! It takes a bit of fiddling to get it right and using a parking lot with parked cars on either side is a great place to do this: -while seated in your normal driving position, pull your car ahead out of the parking spot until the cars on either side are both fully visible in the rearview mirror (note, you will need a couple of car lengths ahead to do this). - Slowly back into the parking spot - as you back into the parking spot adjust your left and right mirrors outward so that as the cars on left and right start to leave your rearview mirror, they start to appear in your sideview mirrors. Note, if you do this correctly you should be able to see the exact portion of the car that is missing from the rearview mirror showing in the side mirrors. - That's it! As the car beside you leaves the side mirror, you should be seeing in your peripheral vision through the driver/passenger windows. It is a little unnerving to get out of the habit of using your side mirrors to look behind you (you will be surprised how much you used the side mirrors to look behind you!), but once you get used to your mirrors in this position, you will swear by it. BTW, with my mirrors adjusted this way I very rarely have to turn my head away from the road.
When my daughter was taking driving lessons from AAA, the instructor told her to adjust the mirrors exactly like you describe. At first I was skeptical, but then after i got used to it, I found that it made a huge difference and now I'll never go back to having the mirrors the other way. I still turn my head before lane changes too.
Once I rent a Corolla for over a week and found myself never get used to the blind spot, especially when I backed it up. Before purchasing the V, I realized that the other Prius has this issue. I decided to purchase the V because the room in the trunk and never took a test drive. I was surprised when I looked at the rear view mirror seeing a car coming up and just before the car disappeared from the rear view mirror, it already appeared in the side passenger mirror! Now with the rear camera, I have no problem in reverse. However to merge in once getting off the ramp, I still turn my head and hit the POWER mode at the same time. I also consider removing the rear head rests as the other member mentioned too.
I haven't had any issues with blind spots on highway or for changing lanes but have had issues with trying to make left turns from an angle. Perhaps this is a New England thing but my grandmother and I both recently bought V's and noticed at different intersections that it is difficult to see traffic coming from the right when stopped at an angle with nose pointing left.
Why not just purchase those silver dollar sized dome shaped stick on mirrors and put them on the bottom outer edge of your mirrors? That is what I do on all of my vehicles.
That was my setup and I liked it. However, after reading through this thread, I adjusted my mirrors outward to cover the "blindspots" and have moved my convex "blindspot" mirrors from the lower outside cornesr to the inside lower corners so I can see the side of my car, things behind me, and the parking stall markings on the ground (I usually reverse into stalls). Best of both setups, IMO. I have to adjust to doing things completely opposite of the way I've been doing it all along now.
Blind spots have been the Achilles heel of the Prius. My wife won't drive the car in heavy freeway traffic because of this. It is an unnecessary design flaw that does not contribute to the efficiency of the vehicle and is driving us to consider alternatives. One should not have to do workarounds for such a basic necessity as vision.
I learned with my 07 Matrix which is the similar style as the Prius V, that you do need to adjust your sideview mirrors so that the back end smack is in the middle of your mirror. One thing I hate about my car is that because you can't see over the side of the driver's side door to see where the curb is in proximity is next to your car. Does anyone have that problem with their Prius V? Hey bob, did you get your Prius V yet? I am also from Ontario! Good to meet another Ontario driver of Toyota products! I am looking at getting a Prius V to replace my Matrix in a couple of years!
Right, are people expecting to see everything without turning their heads once in a while? How'd you even pass your driving test without turning your head? Or am I missing a blindspot that is still there when you use your mirrors and your neck.