Toyota press release: 4,006 Prius Cs sold in April. During its first 49 days on the market, Prius c posted sale of 8,901 units.
Stopped by the dealership today and they are getting a silver C3 in the next week if anyone wants one...
There would be no shortage of Prius C models if Ford had a Focus or Fiesta hybrid that obtained 50 + mpg at the same or lower price range. The Prius C has no competition and the U.S. car compainies still don't get it after nearly 4 decades..... GM's answer is the Volt a $42,000.00 car that the common man can't afford.
I just saw today that Volt can only seat four at the most. Bucket type seats in the back too makes it impractical too.
point of information: Toyota got a bailout.. just from their own government. Toyota, Facing First Loss in 59 Years, Seeks Loans From Japan - Bloomberg I am glad the C is selling well, its a nice efficient entry-level car.
No, sorry bailout is much different than a loan. Loans are normally done with alot of companies to strategically gain. (i.e. use other peoples money to profit) While the GM bailout was strictly a bailout to keep them alive. i.e. bankruptcy and never seeing them again., go bye bye But it want a "bailout" as much as it was robbing the US
I love all this dishing of GM and the bailout by people who never really lost money on the deal, I was a GM bondhoolder, I'm the one who should be pissed!
I seem to be one of the Very few that wants a Prius C-4 with the wheels / sunroof package.. seems NO dealer in my area has any with that configuration coming in.. the sales-people keep trying to get me to buy a regular Prius lift or a V.. really I want the smaller C and with the more advanced Economy display.. im a computer guy and gadgets are what im after.. esp coming from a long hertiage of owning caddies and more lately Jeep wranglers.. I want to go radically different and have a very different ECO-friendly yet Gadget friendly car.. and the C is it for me.. i was quoted 6-9 months to Order one from the factory.. wowsers.. thats a long time.. granted Id plan to keep my Jeep till late summer / early fall then get my C.. i figured starting now id surey be able to get one lined up in the pipeline... these little guys are popular! -Christopher
Or they keep advertising using EPA highway numbers on extra cost trim level, manual transmission versions of cars. Earlier today, I was Googling for "cruze eco" and I got two ads for the "The 42 MPG Cruze Eco". One ad didn't have that in the link text but had the text "Check Out The 42 MPG Cruze Eco.." I just redid the search and got 4 ads w/"42 MPG Cruze Eco" in the title and 2 more in the ad text. Would the base Cruze look as attractive if it were advertised as a 27 mpg Cruze? That's the combined mileage of the base automatic model. Or, 33 mpg for the Cruze Eco MT? Or, how about 31 mpg Cruze Eco w/automatic? Vast majority of cars sold in the US are automatics. Manuals have yet another wear item to replace and from my browsing around on Cruzetalk, it doesn't seem the clutches are lasting very long either.
There were plenty in the Greater Boston area this past weekend. Mostly II/III, but definitely some I's and IV's. Colors are generally limited to the white/black family. I think I saw one Blue Streak, maybe one or two Habanero and Absolutely Red, no Summer Rain in any model (shame, since that would have been our color choice). We ended up picking up a II in Moonglow. Very excited to pick it up today
Should be picking up my Summer Rain here in KY in the next day or two!! I know my dealership still has one or two Moonglow and they just got a silver one in as well. The Moonglows are a III and IV and then the Silver one may be a II.
Three transports of Toyotas came through town while I was running errands but no Summer Rain... I am hopeful for today.
According to, there are four here in Atlanta. Two 3s and two 1s. I guess I was extremely lucky as I wasn't even looking for a C...I was just shopping for a used Prius and hadn't even really heard of the C. The dealership I went to had one black Prius C 2 on the lot. The dealer mentioned that he couldnt keep them on the lot for more than a day. I guess I was lucky that it was Mothers day, so nobody was shopping for cars. We took it for a test drive and since it was the same price as a used Prius, I ended up buying it. I didnt even realize how scarce they were until I got onto this forum. It made me feel like I definitely made the right decision.
I'm sorry for all those waiting for their Prius C. I really am enjoying mine; got lucky, I guess, hitting the dealers the week they came out. Good luck, y'all.
It will will arrive.....and honestly i'd be ok with waiting another week then I don't have to drive my BRAND NEW CAR in Toronto.
I have been to four dealers and asked about ordering and they told me no you cant order one we just have to wait until one comes in close to what you want?? I am lokking for Habanero or Summer Rain in 4 no where to find one within 200 miles of Jax or found one 2500 above MSRP.
A colleague from our sister institution is waiting on a C4 with literally every option. So you have one confirmed case of someone else going "full-gadget". I thought about going for the three, but the C2 is at the tippy-top of my affordability range. I'm extremely happy with my Baby Prius and like it a little better each time I drive it. I've heard mixed reviews on the value of the entune system and while they may or may not be true, hearing those reports certainly help ward off buyer's remorse. That, and the fact that I'm averaging 52mpg in mixed driving... And yes, the Prius C is a "gadget-guy" paradise. I sometimes have to turn off the information display to keep my eyes on the road. I love showing it off to passengers. I'm in touch with my salesperson and he reports that supplies are getting even tighter. I'm glad that I did not "sleep on it" because I probably would not get the $600 below msrp that they offered the night I pulled the trigger. I look forward to seeing your posts when you pick up your new Baby Prius!