Anyone have an idea what could be causing the two dark dips in this headlight pattern? These are supposed to be the LED headlights. The cut-off is pretty good, but the dark area on the left is noticeable on the road. I didn't notice the one on the right until I lined up this shot against the garage door.
I think most cars have dimmer headlight patterns on the left. it keeps the light off people's eyes that are traveling the opposite direction.
Except for those NON-DOT certified 'HID' kits many people are using these days. That's why you need to keep your sunglass's out for at night Mike
^^^ Done! Well, not quite done. I am sure I will have a few shots once I get the lowering springs installed. Here's a larger version to oogle:
Cool background Needs springs fast. Looks like a 4x4 Much better Avatar :eyebrows: Wasn't that 3.5 month wait well worth it :madgrin: Mike