I've been keeping the HSI gage displayed for several weeks now. I'm getting a much better idea of how to drive the car well and the HSI helps. Doint mostly longer trips, weather is warm so the CONS is at 57 or 58 which I don't mind. Forgot the name of the dude in video showing how to use the HSI gage, but that was very helpful.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful I always use that screen. Only way I can tell how I am workin my right foot Mike
The Prius is very quiet and vibration free. Its continuously variable transmission doesn't shift gears, but as you use the HSI, you'll learn how to feel where the pedal needs to be to keep in the EV zone. You'll also get a feel for how to brake to maximize regen and minimize use of the friction pads.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful I agee. I keep the HSI display up all of the time when I am driving around town. That is the most helpful screen to know where the pedal needs to be. Once on the highway in cruise I will usually switch to 1 min or 5 min display depending on length of trip.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful what video? i just came to gen III from II and have no understanding of it. i would especially like to know how to maximize accelleration efficiency.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful This one. Welcome to the fun, my friend! http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...max-mpg-driving-techniques-youtube-video.html The energy flow graphic on the GenII has been replaced by the HSI indicator on the GenIII. At least in terms of usefulness. The GenIII still has the energy flow graphic but it is pretty useless when it comes to gliding.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful thanks justin, does electric drive really improve mpg's on the gen III? i had always heard it was bad on the gen II.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful I have this displayed on the HUD --- man, what a great way to see exactly what you are doing and still have your eyes on the road. I usually flip between consumption and the energy flow on the HSI, though the latter really only confirms that I have obtained a true glide. Getting to that sweet spot has been pretty easy so far.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful How do I setup the HUD so I can see the HSI? I know it's in the book but that is one heck of a book It'll take me a few months or so to get thru it all. tnx, Mike
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful It's easy, Mike. All you have to do is keep pressing the top HUD button to cycle through what you want. The choices are: 1) speed 2) Speed + HSI 3) HUD off The NAVI button below the HUD button will add the turn-by-turn symbols when you are in active navigation. I use the HUD all the time. I was initially concerned that the bright sun around here would wash out the display but that hasn't been a problem --- even when driving towards the sun in the mornings / afternoons.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful Awesome I was pushing those buttons before but couldn't figure out what they were doing I won't get to drive my car until the end of the month now but I will print this message and set it in my car for my next drive Takin the Swagger Wagon for a road trip now :rockon: Mike
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful It seems to. The GenIII battery is set up differently so I tend to use it much more frequently now. I have been trying to use EV Mode during initial take off and up to 15-25mph and it seemed to help. You just have to ensure you don't use more battery energy than you'll be able to reclaim by the next stop. It's kinda fun. Usng this technique I was sitting at 59mpg for a couple days until I had to make a few long trips with my girlfriend and all hypermiling had to stop. Most of miles are freeway so there is not much you can do but try and keep speeds at 60mph or below.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful thanks justin! i need to relearn all my gen II techniques. how about accellerating from a stop? if you can ev to 15-25 then need ice to go faster, is the sweet spot just to the right of center the place to be? or if you need ice from stop because of traffic?
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful I'm still learning the new system as well so I cannot be sure. I am experimenting with each new tank so my mpg numbers are all over the place. I do know that when cruising you want the HSI indicator just right of the centerline (about 1/4 way). I have had good results using the GenII method of brisk acceleration from a stop then lifting off the the throttle then reapplying pressure just enough to maintain speed. The only huge difference between the new and older model is the use of the energy flow screen for gliding. The use of EV mode may be different as well but I don't know enough about it to say for sure. This is along the same lines as Wayne Gerdes recommending not firing the ICE until after you have reached 15mph. The idea is the ICE is VERY inefficient below that speed and it is more efficient to use EV power despite conversion losses. This seems very situational though because you don't want to bring the SOC level below 50% or you'll waste fuel bringing SOC back up to 60% where the ECU likes it.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful Getting pretty good at holding it close to the line [in EV] ,but frustrating when you hit a bump and it kicks off.Also,if I know i'll have to be over 42mph soon,I'll run the battery down as far as it will go......58mpg last tank. steve
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful problem with the pip is, i'm not getting enough experience in hv.
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful That isn't necessarily the best method. Even though it is running regardless above 45 it will have to run harder to also charge the battery. Hard to say exactly without knowing more variables. huh?
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful Bisco is running around in EV mode so much that hybrid vehicle mode experience is lacking. <.... Is jealous
Re: I'm finding the HSI gage very helpful Ok, thanks to F8L, I understand now. Ya, I suppose that can be a very small, but enviable problem for plug in owners.